Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Extracting and Initializing a Remote Database > Process of Extracting the Server Database >

Verifying the Reporting Hierarchy and Employee Status

This process is a step in Process of Extracting the Server Database.

Before you extract the server database for a remote client, you must make sure that the reporting hierarchy for your organization is accurate and that the employee status is valid.

To verify the reporting hierarchy and employee status

  1. Log in to the Siebel Server with administrator privileges.

    For more information, see Logging In to the Siebel Server as an Administrator.

  2. Make sure the reporting hierarchy for your organization is valid:
    1. Navigate to the Administration - Group screen, and then the Positions view.
    2. Verify that the user you are about to extract contains a valid position in the hierarchy of your organization.

      The routing rules for Siebel Remote use the information in the Positions view of the Administration - Group screen. This information might affect the outcome of the server database extract. For more information, see Impact of Positions, Organizations and Responsibilities, and Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

  3. Verify the employment status.

    You must make sure that any Employee record for the remote client displays a status of Active. Some earlier versions of Siebel CRM did not populate this field. An inactive status or a null field value can prevent a successful extraction and initialization, and can cause incorrect data routing:

    1. Navigate to the Administration - User screen, and then the Employees view.
    2. Query the User ID field for the employee record you must verify.
    3. Click the Last Name field.
    4. Click the Job Information view tab.

      To view the Job Information view tab, it might be necessary for you to click the down arrow that is located at the far right of the view tab bar.

    5. In the Job Information form, verify that the Employment Status field is Active.

      A value of Active is required for correct setup and functioning of the remote client environment.

Impact of Positions, Organizations and Responsibilities

The employee responsibilities and positions determine the access that the user possesses to the server database. Balancing the data routing model with user access helps to optimize the size of the local database for that user. It also helps to minimize synchronization time. Make sure the routing model is consistent with the user responsibilities and position. For information about configuring the routing model, see Configuring the Remote Client to Automatically Synchronize.

Keeping Organization Information Current on the Remote Client

A change to your organization, such as making a change to a position or division, or a change to a territory, can cause routers to reevaluate visibility for objects that are related to the objects that have changed. These changes can affect Transaction Router performance and can result in a large backlog of transactions.

The higher in the hierarchy in which you make changes, adds, or deletes to one or more positions, the more transactions that Siebel Remote creates. The Transaction Processor and the Transaction Router might require a significant amount of time to work through the backlog and route these changes to users. To improve throughput, you can do the following:

  • Keep organization information current on the remote client
  • Use multiple routers

To keep organization information current on the remote client

  • Reextract remote users after a change is made to your organization.

CAUTION:  For important caution information about changing a position for a user or changing a routing model, see Caution About Extracting the Server Database.

For more information, see About the Standard Routing Model.

Updating a Change to a Responsibility

If a user responsibility changes, then Siebel Remote downloads this new information to the local database during the next synchronization session. It is not necessary to reextract the server database. For more information, see Limiting Access to a View by Modifying the User Responsibilities.

To update a change to a responsibility

  1. Change the responsibility on the Siebel Server.
  2. Inform the user to synchronize, log out, and then log back in to the remote client.

    This step is necessary to access the views that display under the new responsibility.

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