Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Configuring the Siebel Server > Options for Configuring the Siebel Server >

Using Time Filters to Prevent Sending Old Data

As an option, you can use time filters to prevent sending old data. The Time Filters feature allows you to prevent Siebel Remote from sending certain kinds of older data to remote clients during database extraction or synchronization. By reducing the amount of data that is sent, time filtering can reduce the amount of time that Siebel Remote requires to extract and synchronize with the server database. Time filtering can also improve response time for the remote client.

Siebel Remote deploys time filtering for each individual dock object, where you can choose a cutoff date for a given dock object, such as Activity. If the user modifies data before the cutoff date, then it does not include this data in an extraction or synchronization.

The cutoff date that is specified for each dock object is a fixed date that Siebel Remote does not dynamically adjust. If you change the cutoff date, then you must reextract the remote client. If you do not reextract the remote client after you change the cutoff date, then that client retains unnecessary older data in the local database. Storage of this data can reduce performance.

For more information, see Transaction Router Server Component.

Starting Time Filtering for a Dock Object

This topic describes how to start time filtering for a dock object.

CAUTION:  For important caution information setting time filtering, see Caution About Extracting the Server Database.

To start time filtering for a dock object

  1. In a remote client that is connected to the Siebel Server, navigate to the Administration - Siebel Remote screen, and then the Time Filters view.
  2. In the Time Filters list, click New to display an empty record.
  3. In the Dock Object field, choose the dock object on which you must configure time filtering.

    If the remote client does not display the dock object you require, then you can define it. For more information, see Defining a New Dock Object for Time Filtering.

  4. To limit the data to extract and synchronize for the dock object you chose in Step 3, specify a date and time in the Cutoff Time field.
  5. To save the time filter, step off the record.
  6. Restart the Transaction Router server component.

    You can create a time filter while the Transaction Router is running. The time filter you create affects database extracts that Siebel Remote starts after it saves the time filter. To affect synchronizations, you must restart the Transaction Router server component after you save the time filter.

Stopping Time Filtering for a Dock Object

If you use time filtering but determine that your business still requires synchronization of older data, then you can stop time filtering for a dock object.

To stop time filtering for a dock object

  1. Log in to the Siebel Server with administrator privileges.

    For more information, see Logging In to the Siebel Server as an Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Remote screen, and then the Time Filters view.
  3. In the Time Filters list, choose the record that lists the dock object for which you require older data that are synchronized.
  4. Click Delete.

    Repeat Step 3 and Step 4 for other dock objects that no longer require time filtering.

  5. Restart the Transaction Router server component.

    You can delete a time filter while the Transaction Router is running. The time filter you delete affects database extracts that Siebel Remote starts after it deletes the time filter. To affect synchronizations, you must restart the Transaction Router server component after you delete the time filter. For more information, see Configuring Server Components for Synchronization and Transactions.

  6. Reextract local databases for remote clients that require access to the older data.

    For more information, see Extracting and Initializing a Remote Database.

Defining a New Dock Object for Time Filtering

This topic describes how to make time filtering available for a dock object that is not predefined for time filtering. Beginning with Siebel CRM version 7.7, you can customize the dock objects that you specify with a given time filter.

Time filtering is predefined on the following dock objects:

  • Activity
  • Expense
  • Expense Report
  • Invoice
  • Opportunity
  • Price List
  • Project
  • Project Item
  • Quote
  • Service Request

You can define more dock objects for time filtering. For many Siebel implementations most of the benefits that time filtering provides comes from using predefined dock objects.

To define a new dock object for time filtering

  1. If necessary, expose the Dock Object object type.

    For more information, see Preparing Siebel Tools to Configure Siebel Remote.

  2. In the Object Explorer, choose Dock Object.
  3. In the Dock Objects list, examine the list of names in the Name property until you locate the dock object on which you must use time filtering, and then make a note of the exact spelling of the name.
  4. Log in to the Siebel Server with administrator privileges.

    For more information, see Logging In to the Siebel Server as an Administrator.

  5. Navigate to the Administration - Data screen, and then the List of Values view.

    This example adds a new value to a List of Values (LOV). For more information, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

  6. In the Type field of the List of Values list, enter the following query:


  7. Choose a record, click Menu, and then chose the Copy Record menu item.
  8. In the Language-Independent Code field of the new record, enter the exact name of the dock object that you identified in Step 3.
  9. In the Display Value field of the new record, enter the name to display in the Siebel application when you configure time filtering for this dock object.
  10. Inspect the copied values in the other fields of the new record, make required changes, and then save the record.
  11. Start time filtering for the dock object.

    For more information, see Starting Time Filtering for a Dock Object.

Preparing Siebel Tools to Configure Siebel Remote

This topic describes how to prepare Siebel Tools to configure Siebel Remote.

To prepare Siebel Tools to configure Siebel Remote

  1. Log in to Siebel Tools.
  2. Choose the View menu, and then the Options menu item.
  3. Click the Object Explorer tab.
  4. In the Object Explorer Hierarchy window, make sure there is a check mark with a white background next to the Dock Object check box.
  5. Click OK.
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