Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Troubleshooting Siebel Remote >

Troubleshooting a Problem Where the User Cannot View Records Locally

There are several reasons why a user might not be able to view a record when connected to the local database.

To troubleshoot a problem where the user cannot view records locally

  1. Log in to the Siebel Server with administrator privileges.

    For more information, see Logging In to the Siebel Server as an Administrator.

  2. Examine the routing model:
    1. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Remote screen, and then the Mobile Clients view.
    2. Make sure the remote client uses the appropriate routing model.
    3. Make sure the Receiving Transactions check box contains a check mark.

      If the routing model is set correctly but Receiving Transactions does not contain a check mark, then search the DbXtract log file for errors. It is an indication that the server database extraction did not finish successfully. For more information, see Naming Conventions for Log Files.

  3. Examine the system preferences:
    1. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, and then the System Preferences view.
    2. Verify that the following parameter is set to True:

      Enable Transaction Logging

      If this parameter is set to False, then set it to True, and then reextract the remote clients.

  4. Examine the Transaction Processor and Transaction Router server components:
    1. Make sure the Transaction Processor and Transaction Router are running.
    2. Examine the log files of the Transaction Processor and Transaction Router for errors.

      For more information, see Naming Conventions for Log Files.

  5. For limited visibility records, make sure that the record in question is visible in one of the My views when the user is connected directly to the Siebel Server.

    The My Opportunities view is an example of a My view. If a dock object is associated with an organization, opportunity, contact, or service request, and if the records are available through drilldown from a My view, then Siebel Remote routes these records to the user. To find a list of limited objects or objects that are visible in the Siebel Enterprise, you can use Siebel Tools to query the repository. For more information, see About the Siebel Enterprise and the Siebel Enterprise Server.

  6. To determine if the user possesses visibility to the records, use the Visutl utility and then review the log file that the Visutl utility creates.

    For more information, see Using the Visutl Utility to Determine Visibility for a User.

  7. Do one of the following:

Troubleshooting a Situation Where the Visutl Utility Reports That the Record Is Visible

This topic describes how to troubleshoot a situation where the Visutl utility reports that the record is visible.

To troubleshoot a situation where the visutl utility reports that the record is visible

  1. To verify that the record resides on the local database, use isql55 to log on to the local database.

    For more information, see the Siebel FAQ on My Oracle Support about how to log on to a local database using isql55.

  2. To determine if the record resides on the local database, run the following query:

    Select * from SIEBEL.TABLENAME where ROW_ID = 'Row id of the record that is not visible'

  3. If the record resides on the local database but is not visible through the user interface, and if you use a custom SRF (Siebel Repository File), then try to log in to the Siebel application using the standard SRF file.

    If the records are visible, then something in the configuration is filtering out the records and you must investigate the configuration.

  4. To identify the configuration that filters out the records that must be visible, start up your Siebel application with the s option and then examine the query or joins that the application runs.

    The s option spools out the SQL that the Siebel application runs on the view that does not display the record. For more information, see the following items:

  5. If the record does not reside on the local database, then this situation indicates a potential problem with the server processes that Siebel Remote uses. You can do the following:
    1. Confirm that the user synchronized successfully with the Siebel Server.
    2. Examine the syncthrd log files for errors.

      For more information, see Log Files on the Remote Client.

    3. If transaction, routing and synchronizing are fine, then reextract the user and determine if the record is visible after the reextraction.
    4. If you are using a collating sequence other than 1252, then see the Siebel Alert on My Oracle Support about how the SQL Anywhere collating sequence treats characters and their accented or special counterparts as duplicates.
Requesting Assistance When the Visutl Utility Reports That the Record Is Visible

You can request assistance when the Visutl utility reports that the record is visible.

To request assistance when the Visutl utility reports that the record is visible

  1. For help with troubleshooting a situation where the Visutl utility reports that the record is visible, see Getting Help from Oracle.
  2. Make sure you are prepared to send the visutl.log that is located in the current directory where you run the Visutl utility.
  3. Create two transactions in which the remote client must possesses visibility.
  4. Start the Transaction Processor.
  5. Start the Transaction Router with events set as follows:

    GenericLog=4, Trace=4, SqlparseandExecute=4

  6. Be prepared to send the following files with your service request:

    The log files of the Transaction Processor and Transaction Router server components. For more information, see Naming Conventions for Log Files.

    • The DX files that reside are in the SIEBEL_ROOT\docking\client\outbox directory.

Examining Visibility Rules of the Dock Object

To determine how the rules affect which records are visible to the user, you can examine the visibility rules of the dock object.

To examine visibility rules of the dock object

  1. On the Siebel Server, log in to Siebel Tools.
  2. Click the Flat tab in the Object Explorer, and then navigate to the Dock Object Table.
  3. Click the Types tab and then expand the object type named Dock Object.
  4. Choose the Dock Object Visibility Rule object type.
  5. In the Dock Object Visibility Rule list, scroll to the Comments property.
  6. In the Comments property, examine the description that Siebel Tools displays for each rule that is associated with the dock object.

Using the Work Offline Feature of Internet Explorer

If the user attempts to use the Work Offline feature of Internet Explorer when disconnected from the internet, then some Siebel Remote features that use an ActiveX control might not work properly. For example, assume a user who is disconnected from the internet does the following work:

  1. Chooses the File menu in the Internet Explorer browser and then the Work Offline menu item so that the Work Offline check box contains a check mark.
  2. Attempts to navigate to the calendar screen.

    The user is prompted to connect or stay offline.

  3. If the user chooses Stay Offline, then Siebel CRM might stop responding.
  4. Make sure you inform your users not to use the Work Offline feature.

Troubleshooting an Unexpected Read-Only Field

If Siebel Remote displays a read-only field in the remote client, and if your implementation does not expect Siebel Remote to display this field, then it is recommended that you get help from Oracle. For more information, see Getting Help from Oracle.

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