Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Troubleshooting Siebel Remote > Using Troubleshooting Utilities >

Using the Txnutl Utility to Examine Corrupt Transactions

The Txnutl utility gathers information about the transactions that DX files contain or that exist in the transaction log table (S_DOCK_TXN_LOG). For example, if the transaction log table contains a corrupt transaction, then you can use txnutl to identify which transaction is corrupt. You can also use txnutl to open and inspect the contents of a DX file to help resolve an error that occurs when Siebel Remote processes the DX file.

The Txnutl utility can provide information in the following ways:

  • To receive output on your computer monitor, you can not specify an output file.
  • To place output in a legible text file, you can append the output_file_name parameter at the end of the command.
  • To place output in compressed files, you can specify certain parameters for the command that runs the utility.

To use the Txnutl utility to examine corrupt transactions

  1. Configure parameters for the session.

    For more information, see Configuring Session Parameters for a Utility.

  2. Enter the following command in a single line:

    txnutl /u username /p password /r input_file_name /m y or n /s start_txn_id /v [y/n] /e end_txn_id /w output_file_name /x y or n

    Use parameters described in the following table.


    u username


    The login name for the administrator.

    p password


    The password for the administrator.

    r input_file_name


    The path and file name of the DX file or XML file that you must examine. If the file is in XML code, then you must also set the m parameter to y.

    m y or n


    Specifies if the input file is in XML code. If you use the Txnutl utility to inspect transactions that reside in an XML file, then you set the m parameter to y to indicate that the input file is in XML code.

    For example, if you set the x parameter to y on a previous run of the Txnutl utility, and if you must use this output as input to a subsequent run of txnutl, then you set the m parameter to y.

    The default value is N for no, which means that the input file is not in XML code.

    s start_txn_id


    If you use the Txnutl utility to inspect a range of transactions that exist in the S_DOCK_TXN_LOG table, then you use the s parameter to specify the transaction ID number that immediately precedes the range that you must inspect.

    e end_txn_id


    If you use the Txnutl utility to inspect a range of transactions that exist in the S_DOCK_TXN_LOG table, then you use the e parameter to specify the last transaction ID of the range that you must inspect.

    w output_file_name


    Specifies an output file name:

    • If you include the w parameter, then the Txnutl utility does not write to the S_DOCK_TXN_LOG table.
    • If you do not include the w parameter, then the Txnutl utility writes to the S_DOCK_TXN_LOG table.

    To prevent the Txnutl utility from creating duplicate records in the S_DOCK_TXN_LOG table, previous versions of Siebel Remote required that you use the w parameter. This parameter is optional.

    x y or n


    If you set the x parameter to y, then the Txnutl utility writes the output file in XML code instead of writing in the DX file format. The default value is N.

    The following is an example of a typical command that runs the Txnutl utility:

    txnutl /u sadmin /p sadmin /r my_input.dx /w abc.dx


    • txnutl is the name of the utility.
    • sadmin is the user name.
    • sadmin is the password.
    • my_input.dx is the name of the file.
    • abc.dx is the name of the dx file.

      You can arrange these parameters in any order.

  3. Examine the output file.
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