Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Troubleshooting Siebel Remote > Using Troubleshooting Utilities >

Using the Txnutlr Utility to Create Statistics

The Txnutlr utility creates certain operational statistics that you can use during troubleshooting, particularly when you gather information about transactions for multiple users. You can create this report for any of the following items:

  • A single user
  • A regional node
  • A list of users

To use the Txnutlr utility to create statistics

  1. Configure parameters for the session.

    For more information, see Configuring Session Parameters for a Utility.

  2. Enter the following command in a single line:

    txnutlr /b beginning_transaction_number /e dx_file_end_time /f docking_directory /i siebel_repository /l data_lines_per_user /n node_or_file_name /o output_file /r [y/n] /s dx_file_start_time /t end_transaction_number /w y or n /x y or n

    Use parameters described in the following table.


    b beginning_transaction_number


    The number of the first transaction file in the report. If you include this parameter, then the Txnutlr utility ignores the following parameters:

    • dx_file_end_time
    • dx_file_start_time

    e dx_file_end_time


    The date and time of the latest transaction in the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.

    f docking_directory


    The path to the docking directory that Siebel Remote uses.

    l data_lines_per_user


    The number of lines of data that the report displays for one user. The default value is 20.

    n node_or_file_name


    The node name of the Siebel Server on the regional node.

    Instead of this node name, you can also use an at symbol (@) followed by the name of a file that contains the required user names. To separate each user name in this file, you must use one of the following items:

    • Comma
    • Space
    • Semicolon
    • Carriage return

    o output_file


    The full path and file name of the output file that contains the report. If you do not include this path, then the Txnutlr utility writes the file to the current working directory, which is siebsrvr\bin.

    s dx_file_start_time


    The date and time of the earliest transaction in the report. The format is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.

    t end_transaction_number


    The number of the last transaction that the report includes. If you use the t parameter, then the Txnutlr utility ignores following parameters:

    • dx_file_end_time
    • dx_file_start_time

    w y or n


    Specifies to include or not include data from all the DX files in the directory. If you set the w parameter to y, then the Txnutlr utility ignores the following parameters:

    • beginning_transaction_number
    • dx_file_end_time
    • dx_file_start_time
    • end_transaction_number

    The default value is n for no.

    x y or n


    Specifies to display or not display detailed transaction output on your computer monitor.

    The following is an example of a typical command that runs the Txnutlr utility:

    txnutlr /f c:\sea80\siebsrvr\docking /n regional /w y


    • txnutlr is the name of the utility.
    • c:\sea80\siebsrvr\docking is the docking_directory.
    • regional is the node_or_file_name.
    • y indicates to include data from all the DX files that reside in the directory.
  3. Inspect the output file.

    By default, the Txnutlr utility writes the report in the following location:

    • For Windows, in the SIEBEL_ROOT\docking\reports directory.
    • For UNIX, in the SIEBEL_ROOT\reports directory.
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