Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX > Installing and Configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension > Postinstallation Tasks for the SWSE and the Web Server >

Configuring the Default HTTP and HTTPS Ports for the Web Server

This topic is part of Postinstallation Tasks for the SWSE and the Web Server.

The default HTTP and HTTPS ports for the Web server are port 80 and 443, respectively. When you deploy SWSE onto the Web server, you might want to use non-default port numbers. The following procedure provides steps to configure these ports.

To configure the default ports for HTTP and HTTPS

  1. Open the eapps.cfg file.
  2. Locate the [defaults] section.
  3. Change the port number for HTTPPort and HTTPSPort to a desired port number. For example:

    HTTPPort = 81
    HTTPSPort = 444

    NOTE:  Alternatively, update these ports by re-creating and reapplying the SWSE logical profile.

  4. (Apache-based Web servers) To configure the HTTP port:
    1. Using any text editor, open the httpd.conf file on the Web server.
    2. Locate the Listen section and change the HTTP port number to the number you set in Step 3. For example:

    Listen HostIP:81


    • HostIP = The IP Address of the Web server. This element (and the separator character) are optional on Oracle HTTP Server and HP Apache Web Server.
    1. Change the ServerName value to the same value as the one for Listen. For example:

    ServerName HostIP:81


    • HostIP = The IP Address of the Web server. This element (and the separator character) are optional on Oracle HTTP Server and HP Apache Web Server.
  5. (IBM HTTP Server) To configure the HTTPS port:
    1. Using any text editor, open the httpd.conf file on the Web server.
    2. Add the following section before the Virtual Directories section to enable SSL.

    LoadModule ibm_ssl_module modules/
    Listen HostIP:444


    • HostIP = The IP Address of the Web server
    1. Add the following section at the end of the httpd.conf file, before the Virtual Directories section.

    <VirtualHost HostIP:444>
    DocumentRoot $home/$build/web/htdocs/en_US
    ErrorLog logs/ssl_error_log
    CustomLog logs/ssl_access_log common

    Keyfile $home/$build/web/ssl/key.kdb

  6. (HP Apache Web Server) To configure the HTTPS port:
    1. Using any text editor, open the ssl.conf file on the Web server.
    2. Change the HTTPS port numbers in the following section to the port number you set in Step 3. For example:

    Listen 444
    <VirtualHost _default_:444>
    SSLEngine on

  7. (Oracle HTTP Server) To configure the HTTPS port:
    1. Using any text editor, open the ssl.conf file on the Web server.
    2. Change the HTTPS port numbers in the following section to the port number you set in Step 3. For example:

    Listen 444
    <VirtualHost _default_:444>
    SSLEngine on

    1. Using any text editor, open the httpd.conf file on the Web server.
    2. Add the following section before the Virtual Directories section to enable SSL:

    <IfDefine SSL>
    LoadModule ossl_module modules/

  8. (Oracle iPlanet Web Server) To configure the HTTP or HTTPS ports:
    1. Using the Oracle iPlanet Web Server administration console, go to the Preferences screen.
    2. Click on the Edit Listen Sockets tab and change the port number to the new value you set in Step 3.
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