Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows > Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server and Related Components >

Performing Configuration Tasks

This topic describes the tasks you perform for configuring the Siebel Enterprise Server components and the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE).

Each Configuration Wizard supports different tasks. Within each task, most of the screens provide explanatory information about the settings you are prompted to make.

For applicable wizards, the wizard initially presents the choice to configure in live mode or to configure for offline deployment. Live mode, offline mode, and execute mode are discussed in Configuration Wizard Syntax Elements.

First, you must perform Siebel Configuration Wizard tasks for configuring the Siebel Gateway Name Server, creating the Siebel Enterprise, and creating the SWSE logical profile. You can perform all of these tasks using the software you installed for Siebel Gateway Name Server.

NOTE:  Keep track of which configuration tasks you have performed and which you have not yet performed. Some configuration tasks have dependencies on other tasks having been performed. Do not perform tasks to remove configuration data where a product was not previously configured. When uninstalling products, you must remove configurations that were previously created for the products. See also Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications.

Tasks for configuring the Siebel Enterprise let you configure authentication using Siebel security adapters, SSL encryption, and related settings. You can also modify these settings for an existing Enterprise. In addition, you can configure many of these settings in the Siebel Server Configuration Wizard, to override Enterprise-level settings for the current Siebel Server. Many security settings also apply to configuring the SWSE logical profile. For detailed information about security settings in the Configuration Wizards, see Siebel Security Guide.

Topics below describe the configuration tasks in the order in which you perform them:

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