Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows > Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server and Related Components > Performing Configuration Tasks >

Performing Tasks for Configuring the SWSE

This topic is part of Performing Configuration Tasks.

Running the SWSE Configuration Wizard is done on each Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE) instance, after SWSE installation.

Running this wizard assumes that you have performed all prerequisite configuration tasks: configuring the Siebel Gateway Name Server, Siebel Enterprise, SWSE logical profile, and Siebel Server. You would also have installed the Siebel Database using the Database Configuration Wizard.

After you install SWSE, you run the SWSE Configuration Wizard to apply the SWSE logical profile you previously created. For detailed information about creating and applying the SWSE logical profile, see Configuring the SWSE.

This wizard includes the tasks listed below:

  • Apply an SWSE Logical Profile. Specifies the location of an SWSE logical profile you previously created using the Siebel Configuration Wizard and applies the settings to this installed instance of SWSE, along with other settings you specify using this task. This task updates the SWSE configuration file, eapps.cfg file.

    The eapps.cfg file is located in SWSE_ROOT\bin, where SWSE_ROOT is the SWSE installation directory.

    Applying an SWSE logical profile also creates (or re-creates) on the Web server the virtual directories required for the Siebel applications.

    On Microsoft Windows (with Microsoft IIS Web server), you can edit a batch file to remove entries for virtual directories you do not need, or to customize virtual directories. Do this before you apply the SWSE logical profile using the SWSE Configuration Wizard. The virtual directories are created by the batch file eapps_virdirs.bat or eapps_virdirs_sia.bat (for Siebel Industry Applications). These files are located in the specified SWSE logical profile directory. See also the discussion of SWSE configuration in heterogeneous environments, in Requirements for SWSE Installation and Configuration.

    If you are using Siebel native load balancing, generate the configuration file lbconfig.txt and place it in the SWSE logical profile location before you apply the logical profile. For more information about configuring load balancing, see Configuring Load Balancing for Siebel Applications.

  • Remove the SWSE Configuration. Removes the physical configuration from the SWSE. This task removes the eapps.cfg file and removes the Siebel application virtual directories that were created when the SWSE logical profile was applied. This task automatically stops and restarts the Web server.

    NOTE:  When you uninstall an SWSE, the wizard launches automatically so you can perform the Remove task. For more information, see Uninstalling Siebel Business Applications.

  • Exit. Exits the Configuration Wizard.
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