Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows > Installing and Configuring in Unattended and Console Modes > Installing and Configuring in Unattended Mode >

Editing siebel.ini Files for Unattended Installation and Configuration

This topic is part of Installing and Configuring in Unattended Mode.

This topic describes how to edit siebel.ini files for various purposes.

For unattended installation, if you have generated the siebel.ini file (installation response file) using record mode, and you plan to run the Configuration Wizard manually after installation, you can skip this task. The siebel.ini file output from record mode stores settings you made while running the installer, and has the following changes to support unattended installation:

  • In the [Dialog] section, all keys are set to no, except the ones beginning with Uninst. These settings disable all prompts.
  • In the [Behavior] section, the Silent key is set to yes. This setting logs all errors instead of displaying them.
  • All configuration-related keys are set to no, so the Configuration Wizards will not launch. The procedure below describes how to manually make this change, for console mode installation.

If necessary, you can manually edit portions of the siebel.ini file for the product you are installing.

For example, to automatically launch unattended configuration, then you must modify the siebel.ini file to specify the location of the configuration response file and launch the Configuration Wizard in execute mode.

For console mode installation, you must modify the siebel.ini file to disable configuration.

For Siebel Enterprise Server, for example, the siebel.ini file is located in Siebel_Image\Windows\Server\Siebel_Enterprise_Server.


  • Siebel_Image = The directory for your version-specific Siebel network image, such as D:\Siebel_Install_Image\

To modify the siebel.ini file

  1. Navigate to the Siebel image location for the current software version. Then navigate to the product directory where the installer and the siebel.ini file are located. Within the Siebel image, the siebel.ini files for Siebel Enterprise Server and SWSE are here:
    • Siebel Enterprise Server. Windows\Server\Siebel_Enterprise_Server\siebel.ini
    • Siebel Web Server Extension. Windows\Server\Siebel_Web_Server_Extension\siebel.ini
  2. Make a backup copy of the existing siebel.ini file.
  3. Using a text editor, modify the siebel.ini file for the product you are installing, to make changes such as those described in the rest of this procedure.

    CAUTION:  When you modify a siebel.ini file, make sure that you enter the correct values, because your entries are not validated by the installer.

  4. If you want to change the product installation root directory from what is currently defined in the siebel.ini file, locate the [Defaults.Windows] section and set RootDirectory to the desired directory.

    CAUTION:  The path specified must be a network drive mapped to a drive letter. If you attempt to install to a location specified using an unmapped network drive, the installer may be unable to locate files it needs to proceed and may fail.

    NOTE:  If you are installing a full product installation, specify the location where you will install the product. If you are installing a maintenance release (sometimes called a patch release), specify the location of the existing installation to which you are applying the patch. If you are installing a patch, and there are multiple existing installations, also set RootDirectory under [Defaults.Instance] to the instance you are patching. For more information about patch installation, see the Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support.

  5. If you want to change the products to be installed from what is currently defined in the siebel.ini file, locate the [Defaults.ProductSelection] section and set those products you want to install to yes.
  6. If you want to change the languages to be installed from what is currently defined in the siebel.ini file, locate the [Defaults.LanguageSelection] section and set the languages you want to install to yes. For example, if you want to install both U.S. English and French, include the following lines:

    ENU = yes
    FRA = yes

  7. For console installation, you must turn off configuration to specify that the Configuration Wizard will not be invoked when installation is complete. Locate the relevant sections identified under [RunAfter.Windows] in the siebel.ini file you are updating, and set keys starting with Config. (Do not make this change for any other keys.)

    NOTE:  The changes below are not necessary for unattended installation because they are made automatically when you run the installer in record mode to generate the installation response file. For console installation, you must make the changes below. For GUI installation, these changes are optional.

    For example, set the following keys:

    • Siebel Enterprise Server (where Siebel Management Agent is installed with Siebel Server)

    ConfigGateway.Windows = no
    ConfigServer.Windows = no
    ConfigAgent.Windows = no

    • Siebel Web Server Extension

    Config.SWSE.Windows = no

    NOTE:  After installing, to configure the individual modules controlled by these keys, you must run the Configuration Wizard manually. For details, see Launching the Siebel Configuration Wizard.

  8. For unattended configuration, locate the relevant sections identified under [RunAfter.Windows] in the siebel.ini file you are updating, and modify the keys shown below. You set these keys to launch the Configuration Wizard in execute mode. For example, set the following keys:
    • Siebel Enterprise Server (where Siebel Management Agent is installed with Siebel Server)

    Execute = $(SiebelRoot)\gtwysrvr\bin\ssincfgw.exe

    Execute = $(SiebelRoot)\siebsrvr\bin\ssincfgw.exe

    Execute = $(SiebelRoot)\siebsrvr\mgmtagent\bin\ssincfgw.exe

    • Siebel Web Server Extension

    Execute = $(SiebelRoot)\bin\ssincfgw.exe

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