Siebel System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide > Querying System Log Files >

Hiding Log Event Fields in Log File Analyzer Results

Use the following procedures to hide log file fields in the output from the Log File Analyzer (LFA) during an individual LFA session. You can also set this information in the LFA configuration file, which is applicable to all LFA sessions. See Configuring the Log File Analyzer for further information.

To list the current event log field display status, see Listing Log Event Fields Display Status.

To hide log file fields in the LFA output

  • Enter:

    hidefield log_field_name


    log_field_name = Name of the log field name for display. See Table 37 for a list of the available display fields.

Set multiple log file fields to hide on a single showfield command by separating each log file field with a space or comma.

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