Siebel System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide > Configuring SWSE Logging and Monitoring >

SWSE Statistics Page

The individual events and objects measured on the SWSE Statistics page are described in the following list. See Example of SWSE Statistics Page for examples of these metrics.

Open Session Time. This event reflects the total amount of time it took to open a session. In the general stats section, the count is the number of times a session was opened and the mean reflects the average time it took to open a session.

Response Time (waiting for service event). This event measures the time it takes to receive a callback response from the Siebel server. This event functions with CTI and internal login callbacks. A callback is a mechanism used by the Siebel Server to initiate communication with the plug-in.

Close Session Time. This event reflects the amount of time it takes to close a session. Closing the session might involve signaling to the session manager to close the session. The session manager might or might not close the TCP/IP connection.

Request Time (waiting for service method to process). This event is the amount of time it takes to submit a request to the Siebel Server and to get a response back. For example, if the user (on the browser) clicked on a button then the plug-in receives the request and invokes a service on the Siebel Server. The value for Request Time is the total amount of time for invoking that service.

Applications. This section displays information about the various applications, for example, session life span and number of attempts to use the application.

Current Sessions. This section contains information about the current active sessions open. The parameter SessionMonitor must be set to True for this to take effect (see Configuring the SWSE Statistics Page for further information on SessionMonitor). If verbose mode is used, then this section also displays the anonymous sessions (see Accessing the SWSE Statistics Page for further information on verbose mode).

Current Operations Processing. Use the following information when troubleshooting a process that might have stopped responding.

The Current Operations Processing section contains a table that shows all current requests that are in progress. Table 7 shows the operations that are running and the duration of each operation (in seconds). Requests highlighted in bold have been running for more than 10 seconds. A request highlighted in bold with a large duration value indicates that this request might not be responding. If a request never completes, then it has effectively stopped responding.

Table 7. Example of a Current Operations Processing Table

<server>://!7.fb8.ddde. <snip>


<server>://!8.f54.df75.3c07ef90 <snip>


<server>://!8.f54.df75.3c07ef90 <snip>


For example, the first operation in Table 7 has most likely stopped responding. The second operation in Table 7 has been running for over ten seconds, so it might also have stopped responding.

Both application and database server delays can exhibit this behavior. Typically, if the SWSE Statistics page cannot be accessed, then it is likely that the Web Server itself has stopped responding.

Locks. Programming locks synchronize internal SWSE processing. If you access the SWSE statistics with verbose mode set to medium or high, the following locks statistics appear:

  • /application/InitLock. Used by SWSE to synchronize initialization of configuration parameters.
  • /application/anonSessionLock. Used by SWSE to synchronize handling of anonymous sessions.
  • SWEWebPublishMutex. Used by SWSE to synchronize the loading of web images.
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