Siebel Developer's Reference > Operators, Expressions, and Conditions > Functions in Calculation Expressions >

Syntax for Predefault and Postdefault Fields

The Pre Default Value property of a field (Predefault Value in the Object List Editor) automatically assigns a value to that field for a new record. The user can modify the field if it is displayed and not set to Read Only. For example, Currency Code has a predefault value of System: Currency. The currency code for a new contact is automatically set to the default system currency.

When setting predefault values for datetime fields (those of type DTYPE_DATE, DTYPE_DATETIME, DTYPE_TIME, and DTYPE_UTCDATETIME), do not put quotes around the values. For example, using

"07/31/2007 23:59:59"

as the predefault for a DTYPE_UTCDATETIME field generates the following error message:

The value "'07/31/2007 23:59:59'" cannot be converted to a date time value.(SBL-DAT-00359)

The Post Default Value property of a field assigns a value to a field before the record is written to the database, if one has not been entered by the user. For example, Personal Contact has a postdefault value of N. If the user does not designate a new contact as personal, the system assumes that it is not.

Table 161 provides the syntax to be used in functions in predefault and postdefault fields.

Table 161. Predefault and Postdefault Function Syntax
Result Type

Expr: 'Timestamp()'

Date Time


UTC Date Time

This expression is equivalent to the calculated expression "Timestamp()" and returns the current date and time. It returns the same value as System: Timestamp.

For example:

Expr: 'Timestamp()' + 0.041667

returns the current date and time plus one hour.

NOTE:  Use the Timestamp() function for fields of type DTYPE_DATETIME and DTYPE_UTCDATETIME. If performing calculations involving seconds, use at least five significant figures for accuracy.

Expr: 'Today()'


This expression is equivalent to the calculated expression "Today()" and returns the current date. It returns the same value as System: Today.

For example:

Expr: 'Today() - 1'

returns yesterday's date.

NOTE:  Use the Today() function with fields of type DTYPE_DATE; if used with fields of type DTYPE_DATETIME or DTYPE_UTCDATETIME, "12:00:00 AM" is appended to the current date.

Field: 'FieldName'


Value in field in current business component field "FieldName."

Field: 'FieldName' does not work in the Predefault Value property if FieldName is a joined field.

NOTE:  Make the field you are defaulting and the referenced field the same field type. For example, if the defaulted field is type DTYPE_DATE and the referenced field is DTYPE_DATETIME or DTYPE_UTCDATETIME, the time is omitted from the defaulted field. If the defaulted field is DTYPE_DATETIME or DTYPE_UTCDATETIME and the referenced field is DTYPE_DATE, the string "12:00:00 AM" is appended to the defaulted field.

Parent: 'BusComp.Field', 'BusComp.Field'


Value in parent business component field.

The field in the parent business component must have Link Specification set to TRUE for values to be defaulted.

You can have multiple 'BusComp.Field' constructs separated by commas; the list is checked from first to last until a value is found. For example:

Parent: 'ServiceRequest.Account', 'Account.Name'

NOTE:  A space is required after every comma that separates the fields for this function to work correctly. If the business component has an apostrophe in its name, you must enclose the name in double quotation marks. For example, Parent: "FINS AG Agent's Contracts.Status Of Contract".

You can also terminate a chain of Parent calls with a System call. For example:

Parent: 'Opportunity.Currency Code', 'Account.Currency Code', System: Currency

System: Creator


Login name (for example, BSTEVENS).

System: CreatorId


Login Id (for example, 0-3241).

System: Currency


Currency for this position (for example, USD). Determined by the setting for the Currency field in the Divisions or Organizations view under the Group Administration screen.

If the division has a different Currency setting from the organization, the division Currency setting is used.

System: LocalCurrency


Currency for this computer (for example, JPY).

NOTE:  This function is not available for use on clients running in standard interactivity mode.

System: OrganizationId


Organization ID (for example, 1-24E1).

System: OrganizationName


Organization name (for example, Siebel Service).

System: Position


Position name (for example, VP of Sales).

System: PositionId


Position Id (for example, 0-4432).

System: Timestamp

Date Time or UTC Date Time

Today's date and time (for example, 04/02/05 11:15:22).

NOTE:  When using System: Timestamp as the predefault value for a field, the data type for that field must be DTYPE_DATETIME or DTYPE_UTCDATETIME.

System: Today


Today's date (for example, 04/26/05).

NOTE:  When using System: Today as the predefault value for a field, the data type for that field must be DTYPE_DATE.

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