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About Layout Editors

There are several layout editors in Siebel Tools: the Applet Layout Editor, View Layout Editor, Web Page Layout Editor, and Applet Menu Layout Editor. These layout editors let you:

  • Add and map controls and list columns to applet layouts. You can preview applets as they would be rendered at run time.
  • Modify existing views and construct new ones by dragging and dropping applets onto the View Layout Editor. You can view list and form applets and the container page in the Preview mode. No additional specification or code is required for defining the relationships between the applets.

    You can launch the Applet Layout Editor directly from the View Layout Editor by double-clicking on an applet.

  • Add and delete controls from Web page templates, modify control properties, and map controls to placeholders. You can also preview Web pages as they would appear at run time.
  • Visually edit Siebel application menu structures. This is accessed by right-clicking an applet in the Object List Editor and selecting Edit Web Menus.

You can launch the Layout Editors directly from an applet, view, or Web page in the Object List Editor by right-clicking and choosing Edit Web Layout or Edit Web Menus.

For more information about using layout editors, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

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