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Task Designer in the Task UI

The Siebel Task UI extends business process automation all the way to the point of user interaction. Tasks are multiple-step, interactive operations that can include branching and decision logic. Task UI's wizard-like user interface guides the end user through task execution, allows navigation both forward and backward within task execution, and allows task execution to be paused and resumed as needed.

This combination of features helps Siebel Tasks to increase the efficiency of novice and intermittent users by guiding them through the execution of unfamiliar tasks. The Task UI can also increase the efficiency of busy veteran users, especially those working in environments that are prone to interruption, because it allows for easy switching between multiple tasks throughout the workday.

The Task Designer in the Task UI, shown in Figure 15, is launched automatically when you create a Task object using the New Task wizard, or by selecting a Task object, right-clicking, and then choosing Edit Task Flow.

For information about creating tasks, see Creating Workflow Processes and Tasks. For detailed information on using the Task UI, and on publishing and activating tasks, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Task UI Guide.

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