Using Siebel Tools > Checking Out and Checking In Projects and Objects >

Undoing Check Out

After checking out projects you can undo the check out, which does the following:

  • Removes locks on server objects.
  • Objects in the local repository remain locked, and all changes since the objects were checked out are retained.

To undo a project check out

  1. Choose Tools > Check In.
  2. In the Check In dialog box, select the project or objects for which you want to undo check-out, and click the Undo Check Out button.

    The project or object is unlocked on the server, but not on your local database.

    If one of the projects or objects you select is new, the Undo Check Out button is disabled.

You can also use the Get option to:

  • Overwrite a project that you have checked out from the server database.
  • Check that project back in to the server to remove the lock for the project.
  • Enable expected projects for Object Check-in/Check-out.
Related Topic

Getting Projects from the Server Repository

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