Using Siebel Tools > Managing Repositories >

Renaming Repositories

It is recommended that you name the repository in production Siebel Repository. However, in some situations you might need to name the repository something different. If you must rename the repository, follow the steps described in this topic.

To rename a repository

  1. Have all developers check in all projects that have been checked out from the repository you are going to rename.
  2. Log into Siebel Tools and connect to the server database.
  3. In the Object Explorer, select the Repository object type.

    If the Repository object type is not visible, see Showing and Hiding Object Types in the Object Explorer for more information.

  4. In the Object List Editor, click in the Name property of the repository you want to rename.
  5. Enter the new name, and click outside the record to save your changes.
  6. Let developers know what the name of the new repository is and have them perform a Get of all projects.
  7. After changing the name of the repository, you must also do the following:
    • Change the value of the enterprise parameter Siebel Repository to the new name of the repository. For information about changing enterprise parameters, see Siebel System Administration Guide.
    • Change the Application Main Repository Name parameter in the Object Manager.
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