Using Siebel Tools > Working with Projects >

Creating New Projects

You typically create new projects to group related sets of new objects or to break large numbers of existing objects into more manageable groups.

If you intend to implement a new project on the server repository, follow this development process:

  • First create the new project on the development server repository.
  • Perform a Get of the project to the local repository.
  • Check out the project.
  • Modify the new project on the local repository.
  • Check in the project to update the server repository.

To create a new project

  1. In the Object Explorer, select the Project object type.
  2. In the Object List Editor, right-click and choose New Record.
  3. Enter a Name for the project and then step off the record.

For information on performing a Get, see Getting Projects from the Server Repository.

For information on project check in and check out, see Checking Out and Checking In Projects and Objects.

NOTE:  You cannot delete projects using Siebel Tools, but you can delete projects using SQL commands.

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