Using Siebel Tools > Working with Strings and Other Locale-Specific Data >

Importing Text Strings and Locale-Specific Attributes

You use the Locale Management Utility to import translated strings and other locale-specific attributes back into the repository. Use the preview functionality to display the results of the import process before you actually import them into the repository.

NOTE:  When using the LMU to import files with the .xlf extension, make sure you are connected to the Internet.

To preview the results of the import process

  1. Choose Tools > Utilities > Locale Management.

    The Locale Management Utility appears.

  2. In the Options tab, under Languages, select a source language and a target language.
  3. Click the Import tab.
  4. Enter the directory path and name of the file you are going to import.
  5. Enter the path and name of the file where you want to store the results for previewing.

    The default file name is preview.log.

  6. Click Preview.

    The Locale Management Utility writes the results of the import process to the log file rather than to the repository.

    NOTE:  LMU does not mark changed records with a Redo flag when running in Preview mode.

To import strings and other locale-specific attributes into the repository

  1. Choose Tools > Utilities > Locale Management.

    The Locale Management Utility appears.

  2. In the Options tab, under Languages, select a source language and a target language.
  3. Click the Import tab.
  4. Enter the file name of the file from which you want to import locale-specific attributes.

    You can also use the Browse button to find and select the file. The default file name is:

    • Results.txt if the file contains strings only
    • Results.slf if the file contains all locale-specific attributes
  5. Select whether you want to mark records in the repository with the Redo flag that have changed since the export occurred.

    When the import occurs, the LMU compares the source language records in the repository with the source language records in the import file. If the records in the repository have changed since the export occurred, the target language records are marked with the Redo flag. This helps you identify records that may need to be retranslated.

  6. Click Import.

    The locale-specific attributes are imported into the repository.

    A log file (LMUImportTruncation.log) is created in the SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\OBJECTS directory of your Siebel Tools installation directory. This file provides details, including error messages, about records that were not imported into the repository.

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