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How the Internet SMTP/POP3 Driver Processes Email Messages

This section contains some information about email directories, driver parameters, and an overview of how the Internet SMTP/POP3 Server driver processes email messages. For details about the directories and driver parameters included in this section, see Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide.

Email Directories and Driver Parameters

When the Internet SMTP/POP3 Server driver starts, it creates the following directories and by default puts them in the bin subdirectory, if they do not exist. By default, the following directories are created:

  • Failed
  • Incoming
  • Loopback
  • Processed
  • Sent

If you do not wish to store messages in the bin subdirectory, you can specify a different location by changing the values for the communications driver parameters. To change the locations where messages are stored, navigate to the Administration - Communications screen and select the Communications Drivers and Profiles view. In the Driver Parameters list, choose one of the following parameters for the directory location that you want to change, and type a directory path in the Default Value column.

  • Failed Email Directory
  • Incoming Email Directory
  • Loopback Email Directory
  • Processed Email Directory
  • Sent Email Directory

The following parameters control how incoming and outgoing messages are processed:

  • Delete Processed Messages
  • Save Sent Messages
  • Return Attachments
  • Process If Loopback Detected

You can change how these email messages are processed by changing the Default Value of a driver parameter. For example, if you do not want to return attachments, change the default value to FALSE.

Output Parameter Values for POP3 and SMTP Email Drivers

During email processing, the POP3 and SMTP email drivers pass output parameter values to the Communications Inbound Receiver and Communications Inbound Processor server components. From the Communications Inbound Receiver and Communications Inbound Processor server components, these values are passed to the Siebel Email Response workflows in the form properties of the EventFields property set. Table 20 provides a list of the output parameter values and a general description of how you can modify email handling behavior by accessing these values in the EventFields property set.

Table 20. Output Parameters for POP3 and SMTP Email Drivers
Parameter Name
Default Value



Number of nonsupplemental attachments found.



Value of CC: header field. This parameter is semicolon delimited as required by the Siebel application.



This parameter uses the RFC1894 protocol. For more information, see



This parameter uses the RFC1894 protocol. For more information, see



This parameter uses the RFC1894 protocol. For more information, see



This parameter uses the RFC1894 protocol. For more information, see



This parameter uses the RFC1894 protocol. For more information, see



The character set of file %d (where %d is 0 based).



If an incoming attachment does not have a name associated with it, it is considered inline. The Siebel user interface should display the attachment in the rich edit control and not in the attachment pane. (%d is 0 based).



If the incoming attachment is a supplemental file created by the driver, such as the original message.txt file, this parameter is set to TRUE. Otherwise this parameter is FALSE.



The name of the attachment file. This parameter can be specified in the MIME type or synthesized based on the type/subtype of the attachment.



The physical location of the file on the local hard disk. If the response group that loaded the driver is not processing email in Real-Time, this will be the location of the file on the Siebel File System.



This is the MIME subtype of the attachment.



This is the MIME type of the attachment.



TRUE if Attachments >= 1.



This will be set if the incoming email text was HTML only or was multipart/alternative with HTML.



Value of In-Reply-To: header field. This parameter uses the RFC2822 protocol. For more information, see



If the incoming email is a delivery status notification as specified by the RFC1894 protocol this parameter value will be TRUE. Otherwise, the value will be FALSE. For information on the RFC1894 protocol, see



Value of the Keywords: header field. This parameter uses the RFC2822 protocol. For more information, see



For a description of this parameter, see Moving Generated Local Files to the Siebel File System.

Loopback Candidate


For a description of this parameter, see Moving Generated Local Files to the Siebel File System.



Value of "Message-ID:" header field. We also use this as the SCAPI DriverTrackingID. For more information, see



This parameter is obsolete.



The incoming MIME type is saved in this local file. If the response group that loaded the driver is not processing email in RealTime, this will be the location on file on the Siebel File System.



If this is a forwarded message this will be Fwd or Fw. If this is a message that is in reply to another message this will be Re. Otherwise this parameter will be empty.



This is a number from 1 to 5 with 1 being the highest priority and 5 being the lowest priority. This is extracted from the X-Priority or the X-MSMail-Priority if available.



This is the date the email was retrieved from the POP3 server.



The is the email address extracted from the From Address communications profile input parameter. For example, the ReceiverAddress for John Smith <> would be



This is the proper name extracted from the From Address communications profile input parameter. If there was no proper name, this will be set to the ReceiverAddress. For example, the ReceiverName for John Smith <> would be



Value of References: header field. This parameter uses the RFC2822 protocol. For more information, see



The is the email address extracted from the From: header field. For example, the SenderAddress for John Smith <> would be



Always empty, this parameter is not needed by the workflows.



This is the proper name extracted from the From: header field. If there was no 'proper name', this will be set to the SenderAddress. For example, the SenderName for John Smith <> would be



If the Reply-To: header field is set, this is the value but delimited by semicolons rather than commas. If Reply-To: was not specified, this is the same value as the SenderAddress.



This is the date from the Date: header field.



This is generated by Media Manager.



This is generated by Media Manager.



This is generated by Media Manager.



This is generated by Media Manager.



This is generated by Media Manager.



Value of the Subject: header field.



If an attachment should be deleted by the processing workflow, this should be TRUE.

text/html charset


This is the IANA character set of the HTMLBody. This is the value of the charset parameter of the Content-Type header field.

text/plain charset


This is the IANA character set of the TextNote. This is the value of the charset parameter of the Content-Type: header field.



This is the plain/text message body text of the incoming message.



This is the value of the To: header field. This will be semicolon delimited as required by the Siebel application.

Moving Generated Local Files to the Siebel File System

The following section describes how to cause the Communications Inbound Receiver to move driver-generated local files to the Siebel File System.

The processing of driver events may occur on a remote Communications Inbound Processor server. However, this will only occur if the response group input parameter RealTime is set to FALSE. In previous versions of Siebel Email Response, the Communications Inbound Manager server component would always execute driver events in the same process in which the driver was loaded. This meant that the business service executed by Communications Inbound Manager server component, usually a workflow, would have easy access to any local files generated by the driver.

To allow workflows executing on a remote Communications Inbound Processor server to access driver-generated local files, the Communications Inbound Receiver will watch for EventFields with the following tag:

LocalFileToGlobalXXX = tag|toReplace

NOTE:  XXX must start at 0 and increase contiguously.

The file toReplace will be moved to the Siebel File System.

tag is the key to a tag/value pair that will have the text toReplace replaced with the actual Siebel File System file name generated when toReplace was moved to the Siebel File System.

For example, the following EventFields were generated by a driver:



This example results in the local file c:\OriginalMsgFile.txt being moved to the Siebel File System. Assuming this file received the name ABCDEFG on the Siebel File System, the EventFields would be modified as follows before being submitted to workflow for processing:


Siebel Email Response Administration Guide Copyright © 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.