Siebel Email Response Administration Guide > Overview of Siebel Email Response > Siebel Email Response Features >

Understanding the Communications Inbound Receiver (CIR) and Communications Inbound Processor (CIP) Server Components

In the Siebel 7.7 release, the Communications Inbound Receiver (CIR) and Communications Inbound Processor (CIP) server components replace the Communications Inbound Manager component. You use Communications Inbound Receiver (CIR) for receiving inbound email messages and Communications Inbound Processor (CIP) for processing (using business logic) email messages. You can use Communications Inbound Receiver (CIR) and Communications Inbound Processor (CIP) to process all inbound emails, whether they are Web-structured or unstructured messages.

This new architecture allows for better performance and greater scalability. Your system can now run continuously (24 hours/day, 7 days/week) with no manual restart required when making changes to profiles and response groups. Depending on your business needs, you can also run Siebel Email Response in real-time mode, with only the Communications Inbound Receiver (CIR) component processing email, or nonreal-time mode, with both Communications Inbound Receiver (CIR) and Communications Inbound Processor (CIP) processing email with multiple instances of Communications Inbound Receiver (CIR) and Communications Inbound Processor (CIP) on different Siebel Servers. For more information on the Siebel Email Response architecture, see Understanding the Siebel Email Response Architecture.

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