Siebel Email Response Administration Guide > Overview of Siebel Email Response > Siebel Email Response Features >

Using Siebel Email Response Analytics

Siebel Email Response Analytics allows you to create a timestamp for an email as it moves through the different stages of email processing. The timestamp fields are initially recorded at various points in the workflow and then written to the S_EM_RESP_TM table using the Update Analytics Record method in the Inbound Email Database Operation business service.

You can capture the time an email is received, processed, created, sent by the server, assigned to, replied to or sent by an agent. Table 1 provides a list of the timestamp fields.

Table 1. Siebel Email  Response Timestamp Fields


The time Siebel Email Response receives an email.


The time Siebel Email Response begins processing an email.


The time Siebel Email Response creates an activity for an email.

Server Send

The time Siebel Email Response sends either an auto acknowledgement or an auto response for an email.


The time an agent responds to an email.

Agent Send

The time an agent sends out a responding email.


The time an event is assigned to an owner either through Assignment Manager or a custom routing and queuing solution.

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