Siebel Email Response Administration Guide > Completing Basic Setup Tasks >

Implementing Routing and Queuing Processes

Siebel Email Response workflows record incoming emails in your database, except for messages identified as junk email. The eMail Response - Process Message workflow creates an activity record and the eMail Response - Process Service Request workflow creates a service request record.

The Process Message and the Process Service Request workflows can use routing and queuing to further automate your email interactions. Routing and queuing choices include Siebel Assignment Manager and custom routing and queuing solutions. See Performing a Business Analysis for Your Siebel Email Response Deployment, where you determined the routing and queuing method you will implement.

Siebel Assignment Manager can assign ownership of email activities and service requests.

Your organization can use the preconfigured routing and queuing rules provided by Siebel Email Response, revise the preconfigured rules, or create new rules. Before you start Siebel Email Response and process your incoming email messages, you must activate the Siebel Email Response workflows, make changes to the routing and queuing method you choose to implement, and start the server tasks associated with that routing and queuing method.

You can route email in one of the following ways:

  • Manual assignment. A person dedicated to the routing process manually assigns each incoming email to an agent as it arrives, or agents select a message from a message queue.
  • Siebel Assignment Manager. You can use Assignment Manager to assign emails by setting the Enable Assignment Manager process property in the Email Response - Process Message workflow in the following ways:
    • Assignment Manager will assign emails for all response groups if you set the process property to TRUE.
    • Assignment Manager will assign emails for a specific response group if you set the process property to TRUE for that response group.

      CAUTION:  When you create or update assignment rules, you must stop the Communications Inbound Manager component in order to suspend the processing of new inbound email. After you have stopped the CIM component, you can create/update and then release the assignment rules, and then restart the CIM component.

      After enabling Assignment Manager, you use information in Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide to:

    • Verify that each employee in your database has been assigned the appropriate skills to respond to incoming email. For example, you might assign each employee an email recipient address and define competencies, expertise level, and exception hours.
    • Set up the service regions and associate each employee with a service region.
    • Create new assignment rules, assign criteria, define employees, and release the rules.
    • Activate Territory Assignment Manager.
    • Test your Territory Assignment Manager setup.
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