Siebel Email Response Administration Guide > Completing Basic Setup Tasks > Revising, Testing, and Activating Workflow Processes and Subprocesses >

Activating Workflow Processes

You must activate all Siebel Email Response workflows before starting Siebel Email Response. From the application you can only view and activate workflow processes. If you want to make changes to the workflow processes you must use Siebel Tools. A server parameter (Workflow Version Checking Interval) controls how often the server component checks for recently activated versions of each process definition. Workflows are refreshed approximately every hour. After each refresh, recently activated workflows are available. For a list of predefined Siebel Email Response workflows, see Setting Up Siebel Email Response Workflows.

You activate workflow processes by completing the following procedure.

To activate workflow processes

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Business Process screen > Workflow Deployment list view.
  2. In the Repository Workflow Processes list, perform a query for Siebel Email Response workflow processes with a status of Completed.
  3. Select the workflow process you want to activate and click Activate.

    In the Repository Workflow Processes list, the Status of the workflow processes changes to Active.

  4. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3 for each Siebel Email Response predefined workflow you want to use. For a list of predefined Siebel Email Response workflows, see To see a list of preconfigured Siebel Email Response workflows.

Activating Workflow Subprocesses

Some preconfigured workflow processes use other preconfigured workflow processes to carry out specific tasks. These processes, which are part of the primary workflow process, are known as workflow subprocesses. If a primary workflow process uses a preconfigured workflow subprocess, then this workflow subprocess must also be activated before the primary process will be able to function.

Table 2 provides a list of the primary Email Response workflow processes and their associated workflow subprocesses. You must activate all associated subprocesses in order for a primary process to work.

Table 2. Email Response Workflows and Their Subprocess Workflows
Primary Process
Associated Subprocesses

eMail Response - Client Send Email

eMail Response - Update Activity Status

eMail Response - Create Activity

eMail Response - Get Entitlement Id

eMail Response - Identify Language

eMail Response - Process Message

eMail Response - Analyze Message

eMail Response - Create Activity

eMail Response - Parse Junk Email

eMail Response - Route Email

eMail Response - Send Acknowledgement

eMail Response - Send Auto Response

eMail Response - Process Service Request

eMail Response - SR Help

eMail Response - SR Query

eMail Response - SR Status

eMail Response - SR Submit

eMail Response - SR Update

eMail Response - Response Workflow

eMail Response - Append Thread Id

eMail Response - Update Activity Status

eMail Response - SR Query

eMail Response - Search Spec

eMail Response - SR Submit

eMail Response - Get Entitlement Id

eMail Response - Send Auto Response

eMail Response - Append Thread Id

eMail Response - Update Activity Status

To find the names of the workflow subprocesses associated with a workflow process

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Business Process screen > Workflow Processes list view.
  2. In the Workflow Processes list, query for and select the required workflow process.
  3. Scroll down and click the Process Designer view tab.
  4. In the Designer drop-down list, select Steps.
  5. In the Steps list, query for steps of type Sub Process.
  6. For each of the steps of type Sub Process, do the following:
    1. Click the link in the name field. You are brought to the Subprocess view.
    2. Examine the value in the Subprocess field. This is the name of the workflow subprocess. This workflow subprocess can be activated from the Workflow Deployment view.
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