Siebel Email Response Administration Guide > Completing Basic Setup Tasks > Setting Up Communications Server for Siebel Email Response >

Understanding Communications Driver Profiles

Siebel Communications Server profiles map to individual accounts or mailboxes on a server. For example, or are valid accounts to which a profile can be mapped.

Because you can use the same driver for many different profiles, you must create a unique profile to differentiate each of your email server accounts. For example, and must have separate profiles. Although you can use any name you choose, it is recommended that you use the email address as the profile name. This makes each profile easier to identify.

You can determine what email profiles are available in the From drop-down list on an email reply by associating profiles with responsibilities. For example, you might want your support representatives to send replies only from and your marketing representatives to send replies only from To accomplish this, create a responsibility for each group and associate each profile and agent with the appropriate responsibility.

Each profile has parameter overrides that assign unique behaviors to it. For example, a common parameter override is Mail Password. The instructions in this section provide basic information for creating a communications driver profile. For more detail, see Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide.

NOTE:  Repeat the following procedures for each Siebel Email Response mailbox. For more information, see Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide.

To create a communications profile, complete the following tasks in the order presented:

  1. Creating a Communications Driver Profile
  2. Assigning Parameter Overrides for a Communications Profile
  3. Submitting Profile Changes

CAUTION:  To delete a profile, you should delete it only from the response group. Do not delete it from the Profiles list because Communications Outbound Manager might be using it to send a message and emails could be lost.

Creating a Communications Driver Profile

When creating a communications profile, you must first create a communications driver profile. You can create a communications driver profile by completing the following procedure.

To create a communications driver profile

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Communications screen > Communications Drivers and Profiles list view.
  2. In the Communications Drivers list, select the Internet SMTP/POP3 Server driver.
  3. Click the Profiles tab, and in the Profiles list, click New.
  4. Using information gathered during the planning process, complete the necessary fields to add a profile. Use the values you chose in Gathering System Setup Information for Siebel Email Response.

    See the table at the end of this procedure for profile field descriptions.

    1. In the Name field, type the name of the profile you want to add.
    2. Select an organization to associate with the profile.
      • If your company has only one organization, do not change the default value.
      • If your company has multiple organizations, click the select button and select the appropriate organization in the Pick Organization dialog box.
    3. To assign the appropriate responsibilities, click the select button and select the responsibilities needed for this profile in the Responsibilities dialog box.
      Field Name
      Default Value



      Required. The name of the profile (the mailbox you want to monitor). It is recommended that you use the email address as the profile name.


      Default Organization

      Required. When an email sender has contact records that exist in multiple organizations, Siebel Email Response can use the organization ID on the receiving profile to look up the sender. To make this possible, you must add an input argument called Lookup Sender By Organization to the response group and set the value to TRUE. This value also dictates which profile is being shown in the picklist.



      Optional. Determines what email profiles show in the From drop-down list on an email reply. Only the email profiles associated with these responsibilities show for users whose personal profiles contain the same responsibilities.

Assigning Parameter Overrides for a Communications Profile

The next task is to assign parameter overrides for the profile. Some driver parameters have no default value. If a parameter is required, you must assign the value as a profile parameter override when you create the profile. This is what determines whether a profile would be shown as owner, same organization, or one of responsibility.

To assign parameter overrides for a profile

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Communications screen > Communications Drivers and Profiles list view.
  2. In the Communications Drivers list, select the Internet SMTP/POP3 Server driver.
  3. Click the Profiles tab, and select the appropriate profile.
  4. In the Profile Parameter Overrides list, click New.
  5. Using information gathered during the planning process, add the necessary parameter override fields. Use the values you chose in Gathering System Setup Information for Siebel Email Response.
    1. In the Name drop-down list, select the name of the driver parameter for which you want to change the value.

      If you cannot see the entire name in the drop-down list, pass your cursor over it to make the full name appear.

    2. Complete the Value field.
    3. Repeat for each profile parameter override.
Fine Tuning a Communications Driver's Profile Parameters

When assigning parameter overrides for a communications profile, it is recommended that you fine tune the Polling Interval parameter as follows:

  • PollingInterval = 120 (the default is 30 seconds)

Increasing the time in this way, ensures that all mails on the POP3 Proxy Server are polled successfully, regardless of the mail size.

Submitting Profile Changes

The final step in creating a communications profile is to submit any profile changes. When you submit profile changes, you unload the profile and profile configuration settings from all response groups that are loaded with the profile. You also load the profile in all of the response groups that are configured with the profile.

You should submit profile changes in the following situations:

  • If you have only changed the communication profile parameters (or the underlying driver parameters) on a communications profile that is currently loaded by at least one response group.

    NOTE:  If you submit profile changes for a communication profile that is not loaded by a response group, nothing will happen.

  • If you have removed a profile from a response group and you only want the profile to be unloaded without unloading and reloading all of the other profiles. To accomplish this, remove the profile from the response group and then submit profile changes. This causes the response group to unload the profile.
  • If you want to move a communication profile from one response group to another you have to remove the profile from one response group do a submit and then add the same profile to another response group and do a submit. By submitting profile changes you cause the communication profile to stop executing in one response group (the one you moved the communication profile from) and start executing in the other response group (the one you moved the communication profile to).

You can submit profile changes by completing the following procedure.

To submit profile changes

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Communications screen > Communications Drivers and Profiles list view.
  2. In the Communications Drivers list, select Internet SMTP/POP3 Server.
  3. Click the Profiles tab.
  4. In the Profiles Menu drop-down list, select Submit Profile Changes.
Siebel Email Response Administration Guide Copyright © 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.