Siebel Email Response Administration Guide > Completing Basic Setup Tasks > Starting Siebel Email Response Server Tasks >

Enabling Nonreal-Time Email Processing

The following procedure describes how to enable nonreal-time email processing.

To enable nonreal-time email processing

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Communications screen > All Response Groups list view.
  2. In the Response Groups list, select the response group for which you want to enable nonreal-time processing.
  3. Click the Input Arguments tab.
  4. Add the following input argument:



One instance of the Communications Inbound Receiver and Communications Inbound Processor server components has multiple subtasks that run at the same time as the server component. The Communications Inbound Receiver and Communications Inbound Processor server component tasks and subtasks must be running before Siebel Email Response can process incoming email. Therefore, you must start all Communications Inbound Receiver and Communications Inbound Processor server component tasks and subtasks. For general information about server components, see the Siebel Server Installation Guide for your operating system. Before starting any component tasks, please note the following:

  • If you try to start the same Communications Inbound Receiver or Communications Inbound Processor component task twice, it will be rejected the second time. However, the first instance will be running as usual. You can always increase the number of subtasks for each component task if you have a high volume of incoming emails.
  • One component task can have multiple subtasks associated with it and the subtasks route the email. The component task acts like a controller to coordinate its subtasks.

NOTE:  The preconfigured number of maximum threads is five. Also, be aware that Maximum Tasks should always be greater than Max Threads.

Changing Siebel Email Response Setup After Implementation

If you make changes to the Siebel Email Response setup after you implement Siebel Email Response, you must stop and restart the Communications Inbound Receiver and Communications Inbound Processor server component for your changes to take effect. For some changes, you must stop and restart the server components only if you want your changes to take effect immediately. For example:

  • To have changes to a workflow process take effect, you can submit them without stopping the server components. For information on submitting profile changes, see Submitting Profile Changes. For information on submitting requests, see Resubmitting a Request.
Siebel Email Response Administration Guide Copyright © 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.