Siebel Email Response Administration Guide > Completing Basic Setup Tasks > How Real-Time Events Flow Through the Communications Inbound Receiver >

Determining the Event State

The disk-based events are given special file extensions that represent the event's current state. These files extensions and their corresponding states are detailed in Table 7.

Table 7. Event States
File Extension


The event is queued, and waiting to be processed by a work queue thread (which will normally be a workflow).


The event is currently being processed by a work queue thread (a workflow is executing).


An event that was executing when a transitory error occurred (like the database going down). An event with this extension is reprocessed every five minutes.


An event that caused a workflow error. An event with this extension is reprocessed every five minutes.


An event that has been queued for a second time because the initial processing was interrupted with an abnormal termination of the CIR. The abnormal termination may or may not be related to the processing of this event.


An event that has been queued for a second time and is currently being processed by a work queue thread (a workflow is executing).


An event that was being processed by workflow during two abnormal CIR terminations. It is likely that the processing of this event is causing the abnormal termination. This event may be reprocessed by changing the ".crash" extension to ".evt", and reloading the response group. To enable the event to be executed without reloading the Response Group, the event should be renamed with the ".paused" extension.


A non transitory error occurred while processing the event. This event may be reprocessed by changing the ".failed" extension to ".evt" and reloading the response group. To enable the event to be executed without reloading the Response Group, the event should be renamed with the ".paused" extension.

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