Siebel Email Response Administration Guide > Setting Up Siebel Email Response Workflows > Using the eMail Response - Process Service Request Workflow >

Determining the Status of a Subprocess (SR Status Workflow)

The eMail Response - Process Service Request workflow invokes the eMail Response - SR Status workflow when the eMail Response - Process Service Request workflow detects the Status keyword as the first word in the Subject line of an incoming email. See Figure 23 for an illustration of this process.

See the following example of an incoming Web-form Status message:



Subject: Status 2-1CR

See the following example of a response that might be sent to a customer:



Subject: RE: Status

The current status for service request number 2-1CR is:

Status: Open

Sub-Status: Assigned

Area: Network

Severity: 1-Critical

Abstract: Important problem

This workflow parses the subject of the email message, looking for a service request number. The status of the SR identified in the subject line will then be sent to the customer in an email message. If a service request is not identified then an error message is sent to the customer.

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