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Function Objects
A Function object holds the definition of a function defined in eScript. In eScript, procedures are functions. Syntax A
function funcName( [arg1 [, ..., argn]] ) { body }
Syntax B
var funcName = new Function([arg1 [, ..., argn,]] body );
funcName |
The name of the function to be created |
arg1 [, ..., argn] |
An optional list of parameters that the function accepts |
body |
The lines of code that the function executes |
Whatever its code is set up to return. For more information, see return Statement. Usage
Syntax A is the standard method for defining a function. Syntax B is an alternative way to create a function and is used to create Function objects explicitly. Note the difference in case of the keyword Function between Syntax A and Syntax B. Function objects created with Syntax B (that is, the Function constructor) are evaluated each time they are used. This is less efficient than Syntax A—declaring a function and calling it within your code—because declared functions are compiled instead of interpreted. Example
The following fragment of code illustrates creating a function AddTwoNumbers using a declaration: function AddTwoNumbers (a, b) { return (a + b); }
The following fragment illustrates creating the same function using the Function constructor: AddTwoNumbers = new Function ("a", "b", "return (a + b)");
The difference between the two is that when AddTwoNumbers is created using a declaration, AddTwoNumbers is the name of a function, whereas when AddTwoNumbers is created using the Function constructor, AddTwoNumbers is the name of a variable whose current value is a reference to the function created using the Function constructor. length Property
The length property returns the number of parameters expected by the function. Syntax
funcName |
The function whose length property is to be found |
The number of parameters expected by funcName. return Statement
The return statement passes a value back to the function that called it. Syntax
return value
value |
The result produced by the function |
The return statement passes a value back to the function that called it. Any code in a function following the execution of a return statement is not executed. Example
This function returns a value equal to the number passed to it multiplied by 2 and divided by 5. function DoubleAndDivideBy5(a) { return (a*2)/5 }
The following code fragment show an example of a script using the preceding function. This script calculates the mathematical expression n = (10 * 2) / 5 + (20 * 2) / 5. It then displays the value for n , which is 12. function myFunction() { var a = DoubleAndDivideBy5(10); var b = DoubleAndDivideBy5(20); TheApplication().RaiseErrorText(a + b); }