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Application Objects

The Application object represents the Siebel application that is currently active and is an instance of the Application object type. An application object is created when a Siebel software application is started. This object contains the properties and events that interact with Siebel software as a whole. An instance of a Siebel application always has exactly one application object. Methods of the application object are documented in the Siebel Object Interfaces Reference. Table 30 provides a list of Application object methods and events.

Table 30. Application Object Methods and Events
Method or Event

ActiveBusObject() Method

ActiveBusObject() returns the business object for the business component for the active applet.

ActiveViewName() Method

ActiveViewName() returns the name of the active view.

Application_Close() Event

The Close() event is called before the application exits. This event allows Basic scripts to perform last-minute cleanup (such as cleaning up a connection to a COM server). It is called when the application is notified by Windows that it should close, but not if the process is terminated directly.

Application_InvokeMethod() Event

The Application_InvokeMethod() event is called after a specialized method is invoked.

Application_Navigate() Event

The Navigate() event is called after the client has navigated to a view.

Application_PreInvokeMethod() Event

The PreInvokeMethod() event is called before a specialized method is invoked by a user-defined applet menu or by calling InvokeMethod on the application.

Application_PreNavigate() Event

The PreNavigate() event is called before the client has navigated from one view to the next.

Application_Start() Event

The Start() event is called when the client starts and the user interface is first displayed.

CurrencyCode() Method

CurrencyCode() returns the operating currency code associated with the division to which the user's position has been assigned.

GetProfileAttr() Method

GetProfileAttr() returns the value of an attribute in a user profile.

GetService() Method

The GetService() method returns a specified business service. If the service is not already running, it is constructed.

GetSharedGlobal() Method

The GetSharedGlobal() method gets the shared user-defined global variables.

GotoView() Method

GotoView() activates the named view and its BusObject. As a side effect, this method activates the view's primary applet, its BusComp, and its first tab sequence control. Further, this method deactivates any BusObject, BusComp, applet, or control objects that were active prior to this method call.

InvokeMethod() Method

InvokeMethod() calls a specialized or user-created method specified by its parameter.

LoginId() Method

The LoginId() method returns the login ID of the user who started the Siebel application.

LoginName() Method

The LoginName() method returns the login name of the user who started the Siebel application (the name typed in the login dialog box).

LookupMessage() Method

The LookupMessage method returns the translated string for the specified key, in the current language, from the specified category.

NewPropertySet() Method

The NewPropertySet() method constructs a new property set object.

PositionId() Method

The PositionId() method returns the position ID (ROW_ID from S_POSTN) of the user's current position. This position is set by default when the Siebel application is started and may be changed (using Edit > Change Position) if the user belongs to more than one position.

PositionName() Method

The PositionName() method returns the position name of the user's current position. This position name is set by default when the Siebel application is started and may be changed (using Edit > Change Position) if the user belongs to more than one position.

RaiseError() Method

The RaiseError method raises a scripting error message to the browser. The error code is a canonical number.

RaiseErrorText() Method

The RaiseErrorText method raises a scripting error message to the browser. The error text is the specified literal string.

SetPositionId() Method

SetPositionId() changes the position of the current user to the value specified in the input parameter. For SetPositionId() to succeed, the user must be assigned to the position to which they are changing.

SetPositionName() Method

SetPositionName() changes the position of the current user to the value specified in the input parameter. For SetPositionName() to succeed, the user must be assigned to the position to which they are changing.

SetProfileAttr() Method

SetProfileAttr() is used in personalization to assign values to attributes in a user profile.

SetSharedGlobal() Method

The SetSharedGlobal() method sets a shared user-defined global variable, which may be accessed using GetSharedGlobal.

Trace() Method

The Trace() method appends a message to the trace file. Trace is useful for debugging the SQL query execution.

TraceOff() Method

TraceOff() turns off the tracing started by the TraceOn method.

TraceOn() Method

TraceOn() turns on the tracking of allocations and deallocations of Siebel objects, and SQL statements generated by the Siebel application.

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