Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide > Localizing Siebel Analytics Deployments >

Changing the Default Currency in Analytics Applications

In Siebel Analytics applications, you may see a dollar sign used as the default symbol when amounts of money are displayed. In order to change this behavior, you must edit the currencies.xml file using the following procedure. The currencies.xml file is located in the following directories:

  • Windows:


  • UNIX:

    $INSTALLDIR/ SiebelAnalytics/Data/web/config

To change the default currency in Siebel Analytics Applications

  1. In a text editor, open the currencies.xml file.
  2. Look for the currency tag for the warehouse default (tag="int:wrhs"):

    <Currency tag="int:wrhs" type="international" symbol="$" format="$#" digits="2" displayMessage="kmsgCurrencySiebelWarehouse">
       <negative tag="minus" format="-$#" />

  3. Replace the symbol, format, digits and negative information in the warehouse default with the information from the currency tag you want to use as the default.

    For example, if you want the Japanese Yen to be the default, replace the contents of the warehouse default currency tag with the values from the Japanese currency tag (tag="loc:ja-JP"):

    <Currency tag="loc:ja-JP" type="local" symbol="¥" locale="ja-JP" format="$#" digits="0">
       <negative tag="minus" format="-$#" />

    When you are finished, the default warehouse currency tag for Japanese should look like the following example:

    <Currency tag="int:wrhs" type="international" symbol="¥" format="$#" digits="0" displayMessage="kmsgCurrencySiebelWarehouse">
       <negative tag="minus" format="-$#" />

  4. Save and close the currencies.xml file.
Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide