Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide

What's New in This Release

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Siebel Analytics Installation Options

Purpose of the Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide

Siebel Analytics Installation and Licensing Options

Product Licensing Options for Siebel Analytics

License Key Information for Windows

Notes on Your Installer Choices

How Analytics Applications Licensing Affects Repository Size

Siebel Analytics Server Licensing Required By Other Siebel Programs

Related Siebel Analytics Documentation

Siebel Analytics Deployment Diagram

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Preparing Windows Environment for Installing Siebel Analytics

Setup Requirements for Analytics Applications Installation

Installing a Web Server for Siebel Analytics Web (Windows)

Third-Party Software Setup Under Windows Platforms

Configuring Internet Information Server (IIS) for Siebel Analytics

Installing the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)

Installing MDAC

Uninstalling or Upgrading Siebel Analytics (Windows)

Upgrading the Siebel Analytics Platform With an Older Repository

Upgrading Siebel Analytics Platform for Integrated Applications

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Installing Siebel Analytics Under Windows

Process of Installing the Siebel Analytics Platform Under Windows

Running the Siebel Analytics Installation Wizard (Windows)

Initializing the Siebel Analytics Installation (Windows)

Troubleshooting the Siebel Analytics Installation (Windows)

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Configuring Siebel Analytics in the Windows Environment

Postinstallation Check of Siebel Analytics Components (Windows)

Checking Permissions Settings for Windows Installation Folders

Checking the Analytics Installation Log Files (Windows)

Process of Configuring Siebel Analytics Server Under Windows

Changing Database Connection Pool Settings

Changing the Account Under Which a Windows Service Runs

Changing the Analytics Default Active Server Page

Configuring DB2 Connect for Siebel Analytics Server Queries

Process of Configuring Siebel Analytics Web (Windows)

Process of Configuring Apache Tomcat Web Server (Windows)

Configuring the Apache Tomcat Web Server for Siebel Analytics Web (Windows)

Testing the Tomcat Web Server Installation Under Windows

Configuring the ISAPI Plug-In for Siebel Analytics Web

Process of Configuring Scheduler Server for Stand-Alone Analytics

Creating Analytics Scheduler Databases and Tables for the Scheduler

Creating Analytics Scheduler Databases and Tables for a Relational Database

Process of Configuring Scheduler Server (All Deployments)

Configuring Scheduler and Analytics Web Servers Installed on Separate Machines

Changing Scheduler Table Names (Windows)

Changing Scheduler Table Names (UNIX)

Siebel Analytics Scheduler as a Background Process (UNIX Only)

Updating the Scheduler Configuration (UNIX)

Configuring Analytics on Separate Machines Under Windows

Configuring Analytics on a Web Server Machine (Windows)

Configuring Analytics on a Siebel Analytics Server Machine (Windows)

Configuring Oracle Databases for the Siebel Analytics Server Machine

Background Topics for Configuring Siebel Analytics Under Windows

Configuring the Siebel Data Warehouse and the Data Warehouse Application Console

The Siebel Analytics Repository

Configuring the Analytics Web Server and HTTP Server (Windows)

Installation Sequence for Apache Tomcat (Windows)

Accessing Siebel Analytics Applications Dashboards

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Preparing UNIX Environment for Installing Siebel Analytics

Windows Requirements for UNIX Platforms

Siebel Analytics Components Supported Under UNIX

Installation Requirements for All UNIX Platforms

Installation Requirements for HP-UX

Uninstalling or Upgrading Siebel Analytics (UNIX)

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Installing Siebel Analytics Software in the UNIX Environment

Installing Siebel Analytics Components (UNIX)

Downloading Siebel Analytics Installation Files

Using the Correct Analytics Installation Type

Running the Analytics Installer Script

UNIX Installation Script Prompts

Installing Complete Stand-Alone Analytics (UNIX)

Installing Parts of Analytics Stand-Alone (UNIX)

Installing Stand-Alone Siebel Analytics Server Only (UNIX)

Installing Stand-Alone Analytics Client Only (UNIX)

Installing Stand-Alone Siebel Analytics Web Only (UNIX)

Installing Stand-Alone Analytics Scheduler Only (UNIX)

Installing Stand-Alone Cluster Controller Only (UNIX)

Installing Complete Analytics Applications (UNIX)

Installing Partial Analytics Applications (UNIX)

Installing Siebel Analytics Server Only for Analytics Applications (UNIX)

Installing Analytics Client Only for Analytics Applications (UNIX)

Installing Siebel Analytics Web Only for Analytics Applications (UNIX)

Installing Scheduler Only for Analytics Applications (UNIX)

Installing Cluster Controller Only for Analytics Applications (UNIX)

Installing Siebel Data Warehouse Only (UNIX)

Inserting Your Siebel Analytics Web License Keys (UNIX)

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Configuring Siebel Analytics in the UNIX Environment

UNIX Scripts for Basic Siebel Analytics Server Settings

Siebel Analytics Scripts for Korn, Bourne, or Bash Shells

Siebel Analytics Scripts for C Shell

Starting or Restarting the Servers (UNIX)

Configuring Native Databases (UNIX)

Locating the Database Setup Script (UNIX)

Changing the Analytics Database Type

Changing Database Connection Pool Settings (UNIX)

Configuring DB2 Connect (UNIX)

Setting the ORACLE_HOME Variable for Solaris

Setting Oracle Databases for the Siebel Analytics Server Machine

Configuring HP-UX with Oracle 9i Clients

Configuring Siebel Server Data Sources (UNIX)

Configuring ODBC Data Source for Analytics (UNIX)

Configuring Teradata Data Source for Analytics (UNIX)

Configuring Siebel Analytics Server (UNIX)

Localizing Sort Order Settings (UNIX)


Updating Configuration Settings (UNIX)

Postinstallation Tests of Analytics Client and Server (UNIX)

Testing the Siebel Analytics Server Installation (UNIX)

Testing the Analytics Client Installation (UNIX)

Process of Configuring Siebel Analytics Web (UNIX)

Configuring a Custom Name for a Virtual Web Server

Process of Configuring the Analytics Web and HTTP Servers (UNIX)

Configuring a Custom Name for a Virtual Web Server

Creating a WebARchive (WAR) File for Siebel Analytics Web

Process of Installing Siebel Analytics Web on Sun ONE Web Server (Solaris)

Creating a New Virtual Server on Sun ONE

Editing the web-apps.xml File on Sun ONE

Testing the Sun ONE Web Server

Configuring Sun ONE for Analytics Disconnected Client

Configuring Apache Tomcat Web Server for Stand-Alone Analytics (UNIX)

Testing the Tomcat Web Server Installation (UNIX)

Background Topics for Configuring Analytics in UNIX Environments

About Editing the Siebel Analytics Initialization File Under UNIX

About the instanceconfig.xml File and Siebel Analytics Web Under UNIX

About the Siebel Analytics Web ODBC DSN

About the Siebel Analytics Web Catalog Under UNIX

About Updating Row Counts in Native Databases

About Siebel Analytics Server Environment Variables for IBM AIX

Troubleshooting the Siebel Analytics Installation (UNIX)

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Administering Analytics Servers

Default Settings for Siebel Analytics Server Configuration Files

Stopping the Analytics Servers

Restarting the Analytics Servers

Restarting the Servers (Windows)

Restarting the Servers (UNIX)

Changing the Account Under Which a Windows Service Runs

Setting Up a Servlet Container Web Server Scratch Directory (UNIX)

Siebel Analytics Executable Files

Siebel Analytics Windows Command Utilities

Siebel Analytics UNIX Command Utilities

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Configuring User Authentication and Security in Siebel Analytics

User Authentication Support in Analytics

Process of Configuring LDAP and ADSI for Analytics Authentication

Configuring IKeyMan for CMS Key Generation

Generating a CMS Key Database File

Setting Up LDAP Authentication

Background Topics for Analytics User Authentication

LDAP and ADSI Authentication in Siebel Analytics

Levels of Security in Siebel Analytics

Metadata Object Level Security (Repository Groups) in Siebel Analytics

Metadata Object Level Security (Web Catalog Groups) in Siebel Analytics

Data-Level Security in Siebel Analytics

Responsibilities and Access in Siebel Analytics Applications

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Installing and Configuring Clustered Siebel Analytics Servers

Installation Requirements for the Analytics Cluster Server Feature

Installing the Siebel Analytics Server Clustering Feature

Identifying the Siebel Analytics Clustering Components

Granting the Analytics Log On as a Service Right (Windows)

Installing the Server Clustering Feature

Process of Configuring Clustered Servers, Clients, and Controllers

Configuring Clustered Servers and Cluster Controllers

Modifying a Clustered ODBC (UNIX)

Forcing Siebel Analytics Web to Use a Clustered ODBC

Key Components of an Analytics Server Cluster

Cluster Controller Functions

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Localizing Siebel Analytics Deployments

Changing Localization Variables in the Siebel Analytics Repository

Changing Configuration File Settings for Japanese Localizations on AIX

Configuring Unicode Support for Analytics Charts

Converting Chart Fonts for Analytics Web Charts

Adding Converted Fonts to Charting Image Server

About Upgrading Siebel Analytics Seed Data for Non-English Locales

Importing Locale Seed Data into the Siebel Transactional Database

Importing Siebel Financial Services Metadata Files

Changing the Default Currency in Analytics Applications

Process of Maintaining Translation Tables for Analytics

Externalizing Metadata Strings

Checking the Execution Order of Initialization Blocks

Using the Externalize Strings Utility for Localization

Adding Custom Translations to S_MSG Table

Adding Lists of Values for Siebel Analytics Metadata

Adding String Translations for Siebel Analytics Metadata

Editing Custom Labels in Siebel Analytics Dashboards

Displaying Localized Column Field Names in Siebel Miner or Data Mining Workbench

Background Topics for Localizing Siebel Analytics Deployments

About Installing Siebel Analytics Localization Packs

The WEBLANGUAGE Session Variable

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Configuring the Siebel Analytics Application Repository

Process of Configuring an Analytics Repository

Stopping and Starting Services When Importing a Repository (Windows Only)

Changing the Default Analytics DSNs

Changing the Analytics Database Type

Creating a Dedicated Analytics Repository

Background Topics for Configuring the Siebel Analytics Repository

Preconfigured Analytics Database Connections

Analytics Initialization Blocks

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Integrating Analytics Dashboards and Operational Applications Data

Process of Upgrading Seed Data

Importing Siebel Industry Applications Seed Data

Updating Older Analytics Seed Data

Upgrading Older Analytics Repositories (UNIX)

Completing the Initialization in the Siebel Operational Application

Updating the Siebel Operational Application

Reapplying Customized Style Sheets

Process of Configuring Siebel Analytics with Siebel Web Extension (SWE)

Creating a Virtual IP Address for the SWE and Siebel Analytics Web

Testing the Virtual IP Configuration for Siebel Analytics and the SWE

Configuring Analytics Action Links

Configuring Action Links Containing Single Quotation Marks

Testing Siebel Analytics Action Links

Integrating Analytics and Siebel Operational Applications

Accessing Optional Analytics Applications

Configuring the Browser Settings for Operational Applications

Process of Customizing Analytics Application Home Page and Dashboards

Customizing Analytics Content on the Siebel Operational Application Home Page

Determining the Path Argument

Adding Views for Custom Analytics Dashboards

Verifying NQHOST Setup for Pharma Field Analytics Client

Integrating the Pharma Application Home Page with the Pharma Field Analytics Client

Importing Pharma Application Target Lists to the Pharma Field Analytics Client

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Configuring Authentication in Analytics and Operational Applications

Object-Level Security in Analytics

Data-Level Security in Analytics

Integrated Security for Responsibilities and Groups in Analytics Applications

Responsibilities and Access in Analytics Applications

Checking Analytics Applications User Responsibilities

Registering a New Analytics Applications User Responsibility

Metadata Object Level Security (Repository Groups) in Analytics

Metadata Object Level Security (Web Catalog Groups) in Analytics

Web Catalog Security in Analytics Applications

Data-Level Security in Analytics Applications

Implementing Data-Level Security in the Analytics Repository

Initialization Blocks and Security-Related Information in Analytics

Filters For Analytics Security Groups

Configuring Analytics Repository Table Joins for Security

Position and Organization Initialization Variables in Analytics Applications

Default Security Settings in Analytics Applications

Siebel Operational Applications Security

Siebel Sales Analytics Security Settings

Siebel ERM Analytics Security Settings

Siebel Partner Relationship Management Analytics Security Settings

Changing the Security Group from Position-Based to Organization-Based in Analytics

Siebel Industry Applications Security Settings

Consumer Sector Analytics Security Settings

Communications, Media, and Energy (CME) Analytics Security Settings

Financial Services Analytics Security Settings

Life Sciences Analytics Security Settings

Usage Accelerator Analytics Security Settings

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Configuring Metadata for Analytics Applications

Configuring Analytics Metadata For Siebel Operational Applications

Updating Finance Analytics Logical Table Sources

Externalizing Financial Services Metadata Translation Strings

Disabling the Finance Analytics Logical Table Sources

Enabling Dashboard Forecasting Charts

Developing and Deploying Predictive Scores

Configuring Siebel Applications for Attribute Analysis

Metadata Requirements for Analytics Applications

Consumer Sector Metadata

Consumer Goods Dashboards and Pages

Consumer Goods Data Requirements

CME Metadata

CME Dashboards and Pages

CME Data Requirements

Order Management Analytics

Life Sciences Analytics Metadata

Configuring Dimensions Common to All Subject Areas

Positions Dimension

Alignments Dimension

Products Dimension

Product Costs Dimension

Configuring Dimensions Specific to Life Sciences Subject Areas

Pharma Sales Effectiveness

Pharma Product Categories

Pharma Promotional Effectiveness

Pharma Medical Education Effectiveness

Pharma Customer Demographics

Pharma Objectives Achievement

About Analytics Applications Licensing

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Installing the Disconnected Analytics Client and Briefing Book Reader

Installing the Analytics Disconnected Client

Running Disconnected Client in Silent Mode

Configuring Pharma Field Analytics Client ODBC DSN

Installing Briefing Book Reader

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NQSConfig.INI File Reference

Location of the Siebel Analytics Configuration Initialization File

Rules for Siebel Analytics Configuration File Parameters

Siebel Analytics Configuration File Parameters and Syntax

Parameters in the Configuration File Repository Section

Parameters in the Configuration File Cache Section

Parameters in the Configuration File General Section

How the SIZE Parameters Affect Siebel Analytics Performance

Parameters in the Configuration File Security Section

Parameters in the Configuration File Server Section

Parameters in the Configuration File Dynamic Library Section

Parameters in the Configuration File User Log Section

Parameters in the Configuration File Usage Tracking Section

Parameters in the Configuration File Optimization Flags Section

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NQClusterConfig.INI File Reference

Location of the Siebel Analytics Cluster Configuration Initialization File

Rules for the Siebel Analytics Cluster Configuration File Parameters

Siebel Analytics Configuration File Cluster Section Parameter and Syntax

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Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide