Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide > Configuring Siebel Analytics in the Windows Environment > Background Topics for Configuring Siebel Analytics Under Windows >

Installation Sequence for Apache Tomcat (Windows)

The Web server software must be installed in the following order:

  1. Java 2 Software Development Kit (SDK).

    Include the Java executable in the system PATH variable.

  2. The latest version of the Apache Web server for Windows.
    • Make sure no Web server uses identical port numbers (for example, port 80).
    • Check Services to see if the World Wide Web Publishing Service is running.

      If it is, stop it and set the startup type to Manual.

    • Install the Apache Web server using a path with short directory names and no spaces.

      For example:


    This makes the MS-DOS path name equivalent to the Windows file name.

  3. The Apache Tomcat servlet container and JSP environment.
    • Use a path with short directory names and no spaces.

      For example: D:\apache\tomcat

    • Make sure the Apache Tomcat service is running.
Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide