Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide > Installing Siebel Analytics Under Windows >

Troubleshooting the Siebel Analytics Installation (Windows)

This topic is part of the Process of Installing the Siebel Analytics Platform Under Windows, and details some common problems observed during installation. Possible solutions are suggested. To resolve the problem, look for it in the Symptom/Error Messages column in Table 15.

Table 15.  Common Installation Problems and Solutions for Windows Platforms
Symptom/Error Messages
Diagnostic Steps/Cause

The Windows Eventvwr system log shows:

The server failed to load application '/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT'. The error was 'The specified metadata was not found.'

The browser did not load the default.asp page.

Change the default.asp page.

To do this, follow the procedure in Changing the Analytics Default Active Server Page.

In some cases, the desktop icon in the "Please Select a License File" screen does not function.

Java software problem.

Instead of using the desktop icon, select the license file from the tree browser.

ERROR: Couldn't Launch Server on Port #n

  • The TCP/IP settings are not correct on your computer.
  • The specified port is not available.
  • Image server may already be running.
  • Make sure that your TCP/IP settings are correct.
  • Pick another port number.
  • If you just upgraded the image server from a previous version on NT 4 or NT 2000 OS, and with the image server running as a service, reboot the server.
  • Check to see if image server is already started and running as a service on NT.

INVALID KEY: PopChart Image Server will shut down in three hours

NOTE:  This error message applies to Siebel Analytics version 7.5 only, not to versions 7.7 and higher.

The license key that you entered might not be the correct key, or you may not have entered a license key.

NOTE:  The location, structure, and content of the Corda image server directory have changed from Analytics versions prior to 7.7. The image server is now installed in the main installation directory. Also, the file key.txt is no longer required.

Make sure that correct license key is entered.

Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide