Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide > Configuring Siebel Analytics in the UNIX Environment >

Locating the Database Setup Script (UNIX)

This task is part of the Configuring Native Databases (UNIX).

You must verify the validity of the database setup script, because it is called from the Siebel Analytics startup script. Edit the file to include the environment settings for the database client of your choice.

Put your database-related setup script in the appropriate file:

  • $INSTALLDIR/setup/ —See Table 35.
  • $INSTALLDIR/setup/user.csh —See Table 36.

NOTE:  The following two shell script excerpts are given as examples only and are not recommendations for particular software platforms. See Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms.

Table 35.  Sample 1 ( Excerpts)
Excerpts From

#For Oracle, Uncomment the following
# ORACLE Parameters

# ORACLE_HOME=/export/home/siebel/oracle/9.0.1
# export ORACLE_HOME
# TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
# export TNS_ADMIN
# PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/opt/bin:$PATH
# export PATH
# SHLIB_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$SHLIB_PATH:/opt/j2se/jre/lib/hp700

# DB2 Parameters

# For DB2 Uncomment the following

# DB2_HOME=/opt/IBMdb2/
# export DB2_HOME
# export DB2DIR=/opt/IBMdb2/
# export SQLLIB=$DB2DIR/sqllib
# export DB2INSTANCE=an7u
# if [ -f $SQLLIB/db2profile ]; then
# . $SQLLIB/db2profile
# fi
# SHLIB_PATH=$DB2DIR/lib:$DB2_HOME/lib:$SHLIB_PATH:/opt/j2se/jre/lib/hp700

# export SHLIB_PATH

Table 36.  Sample 2 (user.csh Excerpts)
Excerpts From user.csh

#For Oracle, Uncomment the following
# ORACLE Parameters

# setenv ORACLE_HOME /export/home/siebel/oracle/9.0.1
# setenv TNS_ADMIN ${ORACLE_HOME}/network/admin
# setenv PATH ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin:/opt/bin:${PATH}
# setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${ORACLE_HOME}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/opt/j2se/jre/lib/sparc

#DB2 Settings

# For DB2 Uncomment the following
# setenv DB2_HOME /opt/IBMdb2/
# setenv DB2DIR /opt/IBMdb2/
# setenv DB2INSTANCE an7s
# setenv SQLLIB ${DB2DIR}/sqllib
# if ( -f ${SQLLIB}/db2cshrc ) source ${SQLLIB}/db2cshrc
# setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${DB2DIR}/lib:${DB2_HOME}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/opt/j2se/jre/lib/sparc


Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide