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Configuring Pharma Field Analytics Client ODBC DSN

Siebel Pharma Field Analytics Client is the Disconnected Analytics client for the Siebel Pharma application. Whenever a Pharma Field Analytics user logs on to Disconnected Analytics, the user name and password are authenticated using SQL Anywhere against a Siebel transactional database table. In order for Pharma Field Analytics to work in an integrated environment, you must configure SIEBEL_OLTP (the ODBC Data Source Name or DSN) on the client machine.

The following configuration provides connectivity between the Pharma Field Analytics application and the mobile client Siebel transactional database.

To configure the Siebel Pharma Field Analytics client SIEBEL_OLTP DSN

  1. Navigate to Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC).

    Click System DSN tab.

  2. Click Add button.
  3. Select Adaptive Server Anywhere 8.0.

    Click Finish.

  4. In Data source name field, enter SIEBEL_OLTP.

    NOTE:  Make sure the user has appropriate Analytics responsibilities checked.

  5. Click Database tab, and then click Browse.

    In the Database file field, point to the local database on the client machine.

  6. Click OK to exit the Administrative Tool.
Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide