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Alignments Dimension

A sales territory alignment is the relationship of ZIP Code-to-territory or brick-to-territory. The alignment relationship is created in Siebel Assignment Manager under Assignment Administration-Territories, as shown in Table 68.

Table 68.  Sales Territory Alignment

Contact ZIP to Territory

Contact ZIP Code

Use contact primary address ZIP Codes. Do not use ranges of ZIP Codes (that is, enter unique ZIP Codes as low and high values).
Do not enter duplicate ZIP Codes.

Account ZIP to Territory

Account ZIP Code

Do not use ranges of ZIP Codes (that is, enter unique ZIP Codes as low and high values).
Do not enter duplicate ZIP Codes.

Contact Brick to Territory

Contact Brick

Use contact primary address brick. Do not use ranges of bricks (that is, enter unique bricks as low and high values).
Do not enter duplicate ZIP Codes.

Account Brick to Territory

Account Brick

Do not use ranges of bricks (that is, enter unique bricks as low and high values).
Do not enter duplicate ZIP Codes.

Account to Territory


Do not enter duplicate accounts.

Contact to Territory


Do not enter duplicate contacts.

Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide