Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide > Configuring Authentication in Analytics and Operational Applications >

Metadata Object Level Security (Repository Groups) in Analytics

Metadata object security is configured in the Analytics repository (SiebelAnalytics.rpd) using the Server Administration Tool. "Everyone" is denied access to each of the subject areas. Each subject area is configured to give explicit read access to selected related responsibilities. This access can be extended to table and column level.

NOTE:  In the shipped product, only permissions at the subject area level have been configured.

The exceptions to the explicit configuration rule are the Communications and Financial Analytics industry applications, where there are tables and columns specific to these two industries scattered throughout the general Siebel operational application subject areas. These industry-specific metadata objects are hidden from other groups.

Siebel Analytics supports hierarchies within the groups in the repository. In the Analytics repository there are certain groups that are parent groups, which define the behavior of all the child groups. Inheritance is used to let permissions ripple through to child groups. The parent groups and their purpose are shown in Table 50.

Table 50.  Repository Parent Groups
Parent Group
Permissions Inherited by:


All Financial applications groups


All Insurance applications groups

CM General

All Communications applications

Consumer Sector

Consumer Sector groups


Life Sciences/Pharmaceuticals applications groups

Channel Managers

All Channel applications groups

Partner Managers

All Partner application groups

Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide