Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide > Installing and Configuring Clustered Siebel Analytics Servers >

Forcing Siebel Analytics Web to Use a Clustered ODBC

This task is part of the Process of Configuring Clustered Servers, Clients, and Controllers. In order to use Siebel Analytics Web with clustered Siebel Analytics Servers, you must use a different procedure for each operating system platform.

Forcing Clustering (UNIX)

The following procedure is to force clustering under UNIX platforms.

To use clustering under UNIX

  1. Modify the $INSTALLDIR/Data/web/config/instanceconfig.xml file.
  2. In the instanceconfig.xml file, use the data source name (DSN) that was created in Modifying a Clustered ODBC (UNIX).

    NOTE:  See also the topic on working in the Siebel Analytics Web configuration file in Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide.

  3. To use the new clustered DSN, restart Siebel Analytics Web and the Web server.

Forcing Clustering (Windows)

The following procedure is to force clustering under Windows platforms.

To use clustering under Windows

  1. Using the wizard described in Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide, create a clustered data source name.

    Note the name of the clustered DSN.

  2. Using regedit, open the registry file.

    Modify (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Siebel Systems, Inc.\Siebel Analytics\Web\7.7\DSN) to be the name of the clustered DSN that you have just created.

  3. Restart Siebel Analytics Web and IIS to use the new clustered DSN.
Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide