Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide > Preparing UNIX Environment for Installing Siebel Analytics >

Uninstalling or Upgrading Siebel Analytics (UNIX)

You may be required to reinstall Siebel Analytics, or to install or upgrade to a newer version of Siebel Analytics software. Before you install or upgrade, however, you must first uninstall your currently-installed version before proceeding with the installation or upgrade.

Under UNIX platforms, there is no Siebel Analytics uninstall script. If you wish to uninstall the software, follow the procedure in this topic.

Before uninstalling or upgrading any Siebel Analytics software, follow these precautions:

  • Make backups of the Web Catalog, repository (.rpd), instanceconfig.xml, DBFeatures.INI, NQSConfig.INI, and NQClusterConfig.INI files, and move them to a temporary location.

    NOTE:  The DBFeatures.INI, NQSConfig.INI, and NQClusterConfig.INI files for UNIX are located at $INSTALLDIR/Config.
    The instanceconfig.xml file for UNIX is located at $INSTALLDIR/Data/web/config.

  • If you are upgrading the software, the newer version does not start using the older version's configuration file. It is recommended that you back up and store your old NQSConfig.INI file for reference.
  • The Siebel Analytics Web Catalog stores the application dashboards and report definitions and contains information regarding permissions and accessibility of the dashboards by groups. If you are upgrading a Siebel Analytics Web Catalog from an earlier version, see Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide before installing Siebel Analytics.
  • If you are upgrading the software, the newer version has different style sheets (.css files) from earlier versions of Siebel Analytics. It is recommended that you follow the procedure in Reapplying Customized Style Sheets.

To uninstall Siebel Analytics under UNIX

  1. Make sure none of the Siebel Analytics processes is running.
  2. Delete the folder where Siebel Analytics is installed.

Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide