Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide > Configuring Authentication in Analytics and Operational Applications > Siebel Operational Applications Security >

Siebel Sales Analytics Security Settings

Siebel Sales Analytics defaults to the following data-level visibility for certain responsibilities, as shown in Table 52.

Responsibilities and Data-Level Visibility in Sales Analytics Applications

The visibility restrictions imposed vary by responsibility and by logical subject area.

  • The Sales Manager has different visibility restrictions imposed in the Forecasting subject area than in the Pipeline, Customers, Orders, and Products subject areas.
  • In general, users with the VP of Sales Analytics responsibility have no data-level security imposed, while those with the Sales Manager Analytics or Field Sales Representative Analytics responsibilities have primary-position security imposed.
  • In primary position security, only those opportunities, orders, or forecasts owned by the user or the user's subordinates are visible to the user.

For a description of data-level security, see Integrated Security for Responsibilities and Groups in Analytics Applications and Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications.

Table 52.  Siebel Sales Analytics Default Data-Level Visibility
Subject Area
Default Visibility

VP of Sales Analytics


No data-level security is imposed.

Sales Manager Analytics

Field Sales Representative Analytics


In addition to the Order, Opportunity, and Forecast dimensions, primary position data-level security is imposed on all facts. This means that these subject areas are visible to the user only for data owned by the user (or the user's subordinates).

Sales Manager Analytics

Field Sales Representative Analytics




Primary position data-level security is imposed on:

  • Order dimension
  • Opportunity dimension
  • Account dimension
  • Opportunity Revenue, Expected Revenue, and Closed Revenue metrics
  • Number of Orders
    Line Item Order Revenue (000)
    Line Item Shipped Revenue (000)
    Order Item Revenue
    Rollup Total Order Revenue (000)
    Rollup Average Order Size
    Total Order Revenue
    Total Order Revenue (000)
    Total Shipped Revenue
    Total Shipped Revenue (000) metrics

TeleMarketing Manager

TeleMarketing Representative


No specific data-level security.

TeleSales Representative

Direct Order Entry Agent


No specific data-level security.

However, the primary-position security used for Sales Managers and Representatives can be used for the TeleSales Representative and Direct Order Entry Agent responsibilities as well.

Note that the security model for the TeleMarketing Representative and Manager responsibilities must differ from that used for Sales Managers and Representatives. The security model is based on the CREATED_BY column in the Opportunity data model and not on the primary owner of the opportunity.

To extend these data-level visibility restrictions to other metrics and dimensions, see Table 51 and use the metrics and dimensions in Table 52 as examples.

Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide