Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide > Administering the Siebel Analytics Web Catalog >

Working with Siebel Analytics Catalog Manager Properties

Analytics Catalog Manager allows Siebel Analytics Web administrators to work with a subset of the administration functions available in Siebel Analytics Web. For example, you can modify an item's properties, hide a request from display, and change user and group permissions to items in the Web Catalog.

For more information about setting permissions, see Setting Siebel Analytics Web Permissions Through Analytics Catalog Manager.

Other administration tasks, such as setting up new Web Groups, are performed using the administration features in Siebel Analytics Web.

To view properties for an item

  • Double-click the item, or right-click the item in the Name list and choose Properties.

    The Properties window for the item appears.

    NOTE:  The New button is used to create a new property. You should use it only if instructed to do so by Siebel Systems. The Read Only option is unused. The System option indicates that the item is maintained internally and should not be altered.

Figure 3 is an example of the Properties window for a request named Top Partner Opportunities. This request is from the Overview page on the Channel Sales dashboard in the Siebel Partner Analytics application.

Figure 3.  Properties Window
Click for full size image

To hide an item from display in Siebel Analytics Web

  • Select the Hidden option.
Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide