Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide > Administering the Siebel Analytics Web Catalog >

Recovering From a Failure to Load the Siebel Analytics Web Catalog

Siebel Analytics Web attempts to load the Web Catalog as part of its startup procedures. If it cannot load the Web Catalog, a failure message is logged in the operating system's application event log, and no one will be able to access Siebel Analytics Web. When possible, the system attempts to load the last saved Web Catalog, determined from the version file. (For information about the version file, see How the Siebel Analytics Web Catalog Backup Process Works.)

To recover from a failure to load the Web Catalog

  1. Stop the Analytics Web Server service.

    NOTE:  When Analytics Web is installed on a Microsoft IIS Web server, the IIS Web server creates temporary files for its Web caching capability in a location specified by the Microsoft IIS installation. If the Analytics Server is stopped before the Analytics Web Server, these temporary files usually remain, consuming disk space.

  2. Stop these other services:
    • Siebel Analytics Server
    • Siebel Analytics Scheduler
    • Siebel Analytics Cluster Server
    • IIS Admin Service (Microsoft Internet Information Server), and any additional services that it wants to stop
  3. Make a backup of files related to the Web Catalog.
  4. Rename the latest backup file (nnn.autosave) to the name of the original Web Catalog.

    For example, rename SiebelAnalytics.webcat.03.autosave to SiebelAnalytics.webcat.

  5. Delete the associated version file (.version) file.
  6. Restart the services.

    If the Web Catalog still fails to load, repeat Step 3 through Step 6 with earlier backup files until Siebel Analytics Web starts successfully.

Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide