Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide > Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits > Distributing Upgrade Kits >

Process of Limiting Distribution of an Upgrade Kit

You can limit the distribution of a upgrade kit to certain subscribers by temporarily assigning subscribers to a new configuration. For example, you might have a situation where you want to send a set of reports only to management, or you want to limit the users for testing a kit.

To limit kit distribution for a new configuration, perform the following tasks:

  1. Defining Upgrade Kits. Define the upgrade kit that you will be distributing, if you have not already done so.
  2. Activating an Upgrade Kit. Activate the upgrade kit that you will be distributing, if you have not already done so.
  3. Applying an Upgrade Kit. Apply the upgrade kit that you will be distributing, if you have not already done so.
  4. Creating a New Configuration. Either create a new configuration that you will use to distribute the kit to specific subscribers, or use the Siebel Test Client configuration for this purpose.
  5. Adding Components to a Configuration. Associate the configuration with one or more components that correspond to the upgrade kit or kits that you want to distribute.
  6. Assigning Employees to a Configuration. Add the login for the users you want to receive this kit to the Employee view for this configuration.
  7. Distributing Upgrade Kits. Distribute active upgrade kits to the configuration. When you select a configuration and click Distribute, the subscribers associated with the configuration gain access to version information for all of the related components for the configuration. This gives those subscribers potential access to all active upgrade kits for those components, including any new upgrade kits that have been defined, activated, and applied. Subscribers associated with other configurations do not gain access to your new kit until you distribute to their configurations.
  8. Removing Employees from a Configuration. Give the subscribers who are associated with the configuration enough time to download the kit. However, you need to disassociate these subscribers from this special configuration as soon as possible. Ending a user's dynamic configuration assignment returns that user to the original configuration assignment defined in that user's CFG file. Kits targeted for the original configuration are again available to the user.
Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide