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About Different Modes of Running Assignment Manager

You can choose one of two modes—default mode or rule group mode—to run Assignment Manager depending on what rules you want processed.

  • Default Mode. In this mode, all active rules for all rule groups are loaded and processed. For interactive assignment (AsgnSrvr) and batch assignment (AsgnBatch), if the Assignment Key parameter is not passed when submitting the request, all rules are processed.

    NOTE:  By default, interactive and dynamic assignment run in default mode.

  • Rule Group Mode. In this mode, you can process rules of one particular rule group when you assign an object row.
    • Interactive assignment (AsgnSrvr). There are two ways in which you can run Assignment Manager in rule group mode—with or without using server key mappings.
      • Using server key mappings to run Assignment Manager. Use server key mappings when you want to split your rules across different servers. You can explicitly define what rule groups to load on what server, and only rules from that particular rule group are executed. At the time of the assignment request, you can specify one of the rule groups as the Assignment Key parameter for AsgnSrvr along with the request.

        For more information on server key mappings, see About Server Key Maps.

      • Without using server key mappings to run Assignment Manager. Assignment Manager supports the use of the rule group mode even if you do not want to split your rules across multiple servers. In this case, you do not create server key mappings. Instead, when you submit the request and you specify the rule group in the Assignment Key parameter for AsgnSrvr. Even if there are no server key mappings, each AsgnSrvr process loads all active rules. AsgnSrvr determines at request time whether to execute all rules or only rules from a particular group based on whether or not the Assignment Key is passed.
    • Batch Assignment (AsgnBatch). At the time of the assignment request, you specify the rule group in the Assignment Key parameter for AsgnBatch to run in rule group mode.
    • Dynamic assignment. Rule group mode is not supported in dynamic assignment. Only default mode is supported. All active rules are loaded and processed.
Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide