Symbols - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - I - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W


.srf file, compiling   1

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account object examples

assigning two objects   1

child accounts, primary parent address   1

primary address assignments   1

reassigning positions   1


organization, stopping assignment for   1

territories, roles of   1

territory definition list, modifying   1

ActionAgent parameter, about   1

ActionInterval parameter, about   1

activity assignment objects, setting lock assignment default value   1

activity-based assignment, email and assignment rules   1

administrative tasks

organization skills, associating with   1

skills, assigning to positions and responsibilities   1

skills, associating with an employee   1

All, Above Minimum method, about   1

All, Must Assign method, about   1

AllowDupPostn parameter

batch assignment command-line interface parameter, about   1

interactive assignment command-line interface parameter, about   1

SRVRMGR utility, about running from batch assignment mode   1

applet classes in interactive assignment   1

AsgnBatch command

batch assignment mode, additional parameter characteristics   1

batch assignment mode, running from (about and parameters)   1

AsgnKey parameter

batch assignment command-line interface parameter, about   1

interactive assignment command-line interface parameter, about   1

SRVRMGR utility, about running from batch assignment mode   1

AsgnMode parameter

batch assignment command-line interface parameter, about   1

interactive assignment command-line interface parameter, about   1

AsgnObjName parameter

batch assignment command-line interface parameter, about   1

interactive assignment command-line interface parameter, about   1

AsgnSrvr command, using to run interactive assignment mode from   1

Assign option, configuration example   1

Assignee Filter type, table of   1

assignee, determining primary   1

Assignment Attribute Column object type

about   1

configuring   1

properties of (table)   1

Assignment Attribute object type

about   1

overview   1

properties (table)   1

assignment attributes

assignment criteria configuration   1

column-based vs. skill-based   1

configuring assignment attributes   1

creating   1

definition   1

disabling   1

mapping workflow components   1

multilingual list of values (MLOV), configuring for   1

multiple attributes, about basing on columns   1

new configurations, activating   1

overview   1

triggers, generating   1

Values picklist, specifying   1

warning about adding or changing   1

assignment criteria

assignment methodology, role in   1

assignment rules without criteria, role of   1

attribute object definition, about   1

combining rules, developing   1

comparison methods, example   1

comparison methods, table of   1

configuration warning   1

configuring, about   1

configuring, creating   1

configuring, overview   1

creating   1

creating, example of   1

creation process overview   1

expertise codes, role of   1

inclusion methods (table)   1

mapping workflow components   1

multiple assignment attributes, about basing on columns   1

multiple object assignments   1

new configurations, activating   1

nonrequired assignment criteria   1

object definition properties   1

object definition properties, about   1

primary address, assignments based on   1

properties (table)   1

queries, creating   1

required assignment criteria   1

required when available, about and example   1

seed assignment criteria, removing   1

single value to multiple fields   1

skills comparison methods   1

values, comparison method   1

values, creating   1

warning about adding or changing   1

assignment criteria attributes

configuring   1

creating   1

list columns, relation to   1

object properties (table)   1

object type, about   1

assignment criteria object type, about   1

assignment criteria values

creating, example   1

criteria values, creating as skills   1

expertise codes, using   1

sorting and storage   1

wildcard characters as literals   1

wildcard characters, about   1

Assignment Manager

Assignment Manager component, configuring   1

child accounts, parent primary address example   1

command line options, compatibility with Territory Assignment (table)   1

component configuration, overview   1 ,  2

component parameters, configuring, importance of   1

components of, listed   1

components, starting   1

configuration concepts   1 ,  2

contact denormalization   1

customizing, about   1

data sources   1

event log configuration   1

parameters, configurable (table)   1

post-configuration tasks   1

preferences, setting   1

running multiple instances   1

Server Request Broker components, checking   1 ,  2

table compatibility with Territory Assignment   1

trace and error flags, about using   1

Assignment Manager, modes

batch assignment mode, running in   1

dynamic assignment mode   1

interactive assignment mode   1

mobile assignment mode, running in   1

assignment methodology, assigning candidates   1

assignment modes

dynamic assignment mode, overview   1

dynamic assignment, disabling and enabling   1

independent assignment   1

interactive assignment mode, running in overview   1

mobile mode, running in   1

organization and person-oriented assignment, about   1

organization-oriented assignment, if multitiered assignment is set   1

person-oriented assignment, if multitiered assignment is set   1

server requirements   1

assignment object modes

batch assignment mode, multiple record assignments   1

batch mode assignment, overview   1

assignment object object type, about   1

assignment object properties

See also About Assignment Object Properties

assignment objects

assigning multiple records   1

assignment attributes, mapping to   1

assignment rules, about developing   1

candidates, role of   1

configuration overview   1

configuring   1

default organization assignment   1

default organization, suppressing assignment of   1

dynamic assignment mode, role of   1

expertise codes   1

interactive assignment, configuring   1

interactive assignment, overview   1

matching requirement for workload rules   1

multiple object assignments   1

multitiered assignment, configuration   1

new configurations, activating   1

no-criteria rule   1

original assignment objects, configuration warning   1

position and employee-based assignments, creating   1

positional visibility, about   1

predefined assignment rules, definition requirement   1

predefined definitions, list of   1

primary address criteria   1

primary position, maintaining   1

reassigning positions, example   1

repository migration, warning   1

role in defining assignment criteria   1

setting preferences   1

Siebel Tools, role of   1

system-assigned positions, deleting   1

team scoring, configuration   1

team table, configuring to copy additional columns to   1

team-based criteria   1

wildcard characters, use of   1

workflow policy object, adding to   1

workflow policy objects, relation to   1

assignment objects, availability-based assignment

about configuring for   1

configuration example   1

configuring for   1

visibility   1

assignment policies

actions, creating   1

activating   1

batch assignment mode deactivation requirements   1

contact denormalization, activating   1

deactivating   1

dynamic assignment mode and predefined assignment policies   1

workflow group, setting   1

workflow groups, role of   1

Workflow Monitor Agent, role of   1

Assignment Results BusComp user property   1

assignment rule groups

assignment rules, sequencing   1

creating   1

key-based routing   1

overview   1

assignment rules

See also Example of Creating Sales Assignment Rules That Combine Criteria

assigning candidates to two objects   1

assignment methodology, role in   1

assignment object configuration overview   1

availability-based rules, overview   1

combining criteria, developing rules   1

complex rule, example   1

creating   1

definition requirement   1

developing, about   1

emails, as activities   1

employees, about visibility for assigned object   1

employees, adding to (procedure)   1

Enterprise Integration Manager, loading with   1

migrating, about   1

multiple criteria, about creating rules that combine   1

multiple object assignments   1

multitiered assignment mode, using with sales assignment rules   1

multitiered assignment, about   1

no-criteria rule   1

object assignment   1

organizations, adding to   1

overview and example   1

positions, adding to   1

predefined   1

process overview   1

releasing   1

required assignment criteria   1

rule cache, recreating   1

rulecache.dat file, about updating   1

scoring formula   1

sequence, defining   1

sequences of rules, evaluating   1

sequences of rules, examples   1

tasks, listed   1

without criteria, role of   1

assignment scoring

overview   1

team member scores   1

assignment strategy

assignment rules, about developing   1

assignment skill, associating with an organization   1

sales organizations, assignment in   1

skills, associating with a position   1

skills, associating with an employee   1

Assignment Type business component, user property   1

attributes, about defining assignment criteria and using   1

availability-based assignment

assignment objects, configuring   1

assignment objects, visibility   1

assignment rules, overview   1

availability criteria, activating   1

overview   1

Back to top


batch assignment mode

about   1

assignment rules without criteria   1

command line, additional parameter characteristics   1

command line, running from (about and parameters)   1

interaction with dynamic assignment mode   1

mobile users, routing assignments to   1

multiple instances, running   1

Object WHERE Clause, using when starting server task   1

overview   1

performance tuning   1

record updating, inadvertent   1

running   1

SRVRMGR utility, additional parameter characteristics   1

SRVRMGR utility, running from (about and parameters)   1

wildcards, using in SQL statements   1

BatchMode parameter, about   1

BatchSize parameter

batch assignment command-line interface parameter, about   1

description, about   1

performance considerations   1

business components

Assignment Rule compared to Assignment Group   1

interactive assignment   1

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cache size, LastUsrCacheSx parameter, about   1


assignment criteria, using to determine qualified candidates   1

assignment methodology   1

evaluation methods, about   1

organizations, about and example   1

positions, about and example   1

potential assignees list   1

qualifying   1

teams, about and example   1

two objects, assigning to   1

types, described   1

workloads, balancing   1

Check Calendar box, about using   1

Check version iterations parameter, about   1

CheckLogCacheSz parameter, about   1

child accounts

PAR_OU_ID column, about value point to   1

parent's primary address, assigning based on   1

primary parent address   1

classes, confirming for interactive assignment   1

column-based assignment attributes, about   1

command-line interface

interactive assignment mode, running from   1

Territory Assignment and Assignment Manager, compatibility (table)   1

Compare Object to Organization

assignment criteria values, about   1

comparison method, about   1

Compare Object to Person

comparison method, about   1

expertise codes, use of   1

skill matching   1

Compare to Object

assignment criteria values, about   1

comparison method, about   1

criteria values, about using   1

criteria values, assignment criteria   1

expertise codes, use of   1

Compare to Organization

assignment criteria values, about   1

comparison method, about   1

criteria values, about using   1

Compare to Person

assignment criteria values, about   1

comparison method, about   1

criteria values, about using   1

criteria values, assignment criteria   1

expertise codes, use of   1


See also Setting the Lock Assignment Default Value for Activity Assignment Objects

Assign option, using to invoke Interactive Assignment   1

Assignment Manager post-configuration tasks   1

assignment objects for multitiered assignment   1

availability-based assignment, extending Service Request's base table for   1

availability-based assignment, overview   1

configurable features   1

event logs, about and types of   1

event logs, setting log level   1

interactive assignment, configuring for an assignment object   1

interactive assignment, overview   1

new configurations, activating   1

original assignment objects, changing   1

process overview   1

Siebel Dedicated Web Client, parameters for interactive assignment mode (table)   1

team scoring example   1

configuration, advanced

See also Setting the Lock Assignment Default Value for Activity Assignment Objects

activity assignment objects, setting the lock assignment value   1

assignment objects, configuring to copy additional columns   1

assignment rules, creating to assign two objects   1

assignments, routing to mobile users   1

child account, assigning based on parent's primary address   1

default organization, stopping assignment of   1

organization, stopping assignment for accounts   1

primary address, assigning objects based on   1

primary position, maintaining manually assigned   1

primary position, resigning accounts   1

contact denormalization

activating   1

assignment operation mode, about   1


See About Assignment Criteria and Criteria Methods

Criteria list column, using to configure assignment criteria   1

criteria values

configuration warning   1

criteria value scores, calculation of   1

duplicate criteria values   1

methods used   1

CSSBCBase, about configuring for interactive assignment   1

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data visibility, about controlling visibility between organizations   1

database triggers, about generating   1

default organization, suppressing assignment of   1

default parameters, modifying   1

Default Tasks parameter, about   1

DeleteSize parameter, about   1

denormalization, about using Contact Denormalization mode   1

Detail views, about phasing out   1

dynamic assignment mode

See also Running Workflow Monitor Agents

about   1

assignment objects, enabling and disabling for   1

database changes, refreshing display   1

error message   1

generating triggers, about   1

GenTrig command-line interface command, running using   1

interaction with batch assignment mode   1

mobile users, routing transactions to   1

overview   1

performance tuning   1

triggers, generating   1

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eBusiness Integration Manager (EIM), loading assignment rules   1

email and assignment rules, activity-based assignment   1

employee-based assignment objects, about   1


assignment rules, adding to (procedure)   1

availability-based assignment rules, overview   1

availability-based assignment, about   1

multitiered assignment, about and example   1

position and employee-based assignments, creating   1

skills, associating with   1

visibility, about for assigned object   1

workload criteria definition example   1

workload criteria, defining   1

error flags, about using   1

error messages

dynamic assignment mode, attempting to modify a record   1

IgnoreError parameter, about   1

event logs

about configuring and types of   1

log level, setting   1

EventDate parameter

batch assignment command-line interface parameter, about   1

interactive assignment command-line interface parameter, about   1

Exclude method, about   1

EXEC parameter, about   1

expertise codes

creating   1

creating, example   1

criteria values, using with   1

overview   1

predefined expertise codes, about   1

weighting factors example   1

weighting factors, about applying to   1

weighting factors, defining   1

Expertise list column, about   1

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field service

assignment rules, creating   1

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Generate Triggers server component, about   1

Generate Triggers, running   1

GenReqRetry parameter, about   1

GenTrig command-line interface command, using   1

GroupName parameter, about   1

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IgnoreCache parameter

batch assignment command-line interface parameter, about   1

interactive assignment command-line interface parameter, about   1

IgnoreError parameter, about   1

Include All Matching method, about   1

Include All method, about   1

Include method

assignment criteria inclusion method, about   1

criteria values, about using   1

inclusion-exclusion assignment criteria table   1

independent assignment mode, and multitiered assignment disabled   1

interactive assignment mode

about   1

applet classes, allowable   1

assignment objects, configuring for   1

business components, restrictions on   1

command-line interface, running from   1

configuring   1

running in overview   1

service requests, running for example   1

Siebel Dedicated Web Client, running Assignment Manager in   1

Siebel Dedicated Web Client, server component requirements   1

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KeepLogDays parameter, about   1

key-based routing, about and use of   1

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code criteria example   1

LastUsrCacheSz parameter, about   1

list columns, relation to assignment criteria attributes   1

lock assignment

activity assignment objects, setting   1

log level, setting   1

Log txn only on change parameter, about   1

LogTxnChgOnly parameter

batch assignment command-line interface parameter, about,   1

interactive assignment command-line interface parameter, about   1

mobile users, routing assignments to   1

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MailServer parameter, about   1

MailTo parameter, about   1

Maximum MT Servers parameter, about   1

Maximum Tasks parameter, about   1

MaxSkillsAge parameter, about   1

migrating assignment rules, about   1

Minimum MT Servers parameter, about   1

MinMTServers parameter, about setting   1


See Configuring Assignment Attributes

mobile assignment mode

about   1

mobile users, routing transactions to   1

running in   1

Mode parameter, about   1

multilingual list of values (MLOV)

assignment attributes. configuring for   1

workload criteria, about   1

multitiered assignment

See also Adding Employees, Positions, and Organizations to Assignment Rules

employees, adding example   1

organization assignment, about   1

position assignment, about   1

multitiered assignment mode

See also Adding Employees, Positions, and Organizations to Assignment Rules

independent assignment   1

organization and person-oriented assignment, about   1

organization-oriented assignment, if multitiered assignment is set   1

overview   1

person-oriented assignment, if multitiered assignment is set   1

multitiered assignment objects

about   1

configuration   1

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nonrequired assignment criteria

about using   1

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object types

configurable object types   1

field value and property relationships, diagram   1

hierarchy relationship diagram   1

Object WHERE Clause

creating   1

performance considerations   1

role of   1

running multiple Assignment Manager instances   1

ObjWhereClause parameter

batch assignment command-line interface parameter, about   1

interactive assignment command-line interface parameter, about   1

SRVRMGR utility, about running from batch assignment mode   1

One, Best Fit, assignment rule, about   1

One, Random, assignment rule, about   1


territories, role of   1

territory definition list, modifying   1

Opportunity base table scoring configuration example   1

opportunity object example   1

Opportunity Workflow Policy Object

deactivated components   1

Org Primary column, using to stop assignment   1

organization and person-oriented assignment mode, and multitiered assignment   1

organization objects, role in visibility   1

organization-oriented assignment mode, and multitiered assignment   1


accounts, stopping assignment for   1

assignment rule, adding organizations to   1

comparison method, about   1

default assignment   1

default organization, suppressing assignment   1

denormalization of   1

employee multitiered assignment, about and example   1

multitiered assignment rules, using with sales assignment rules   1

multitiered assignment, about   1

overview   1

positions, about assigning based on parent organization   1

positions, assigning organizations based on and example   1

skills, associating with   1

workload criteria, defining for   1

Back to top


PAR_OU_ID column, about value pointing to parent account   1


default parameters, modifying   1

parent's primary address, assigning based on child account   1

parent-child hierarchy, relationship diagram   1

performance tuning

assignment rules without criteria   1

batch assignment mode   1

dynamic assignment mode   1

person-oriented assignment mode, and multitiered assignment   1


assignment attribute, specializing in   1

Criteria list column, about using   1

position object

examples   1


assignment rules, adding to   1

described   1

indirect positions   1

multitiered assignment, about   1

organization, assigning based on   1

parent organization, based on   1

position and employee-based assignments, creating   1

predefined objects, using   1

primary position, determining   1

skills, setting up   1

system-assigned positions, deleting   1

visibility for assigned object   1

workload criteria definition example   1

workload criteria, defining   1

post-configuration tasks, server administration requirements   1

predefined objects

sales objects, use of   1

Price List table, organization denormalization   1

primary address

assigning child accounts based on   1

assignment based on   1

primary position

determining   1

different position, reassigning accounts to   1

manually assigned primary position, maintaining   1

Product Defect Priority criteria value   1

Product Denormalization

mode, about and using   1

products, associating to organizations and price lists   1

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queries, assignment criteria   1

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ReloadPolicy parameter, about   1

Remove parameter, about   1


repository file, compiling   1

Requests parameter, about   1

rulecache.dat file

assignment rules, releasing   1

updating, about   1

Back to top


sales organizations

assignment in   1

multiple criteria, about creating rules that combine   1

multitiered assignment rules, using with sales assignment rules   1

position candidates, use of   1

team candidates, about   1

territory definition list, modifying   1

territory-based assignment rules, creating   1

territory-based assignment rules, developing   1

territory-based assignment rules, example   1

sales team

See About Assignment Candidates

Sample database, predefined assignment rules   1

Score list column, about   1


assignment scoring   1

criteria score   1

formula for assignment rules   1

sequences of rules, evaluating   1

sequences of rules, examples   1

team member scores   1

without criteria, role of   1

workload scoring, about   1

security, about controlling an organization security   1

seed assignment criteria, removing   1

server administration

Assignment Manager post-configuration tasks   1

dynamic mode requirements   1

interactive assignment mode, server component requirements   1

requirements by assignment mode   1

server key maps

about and used of   1

new server key map, defining   1

Server Request Broker components

checking   1

interactive mode, checking server components   1

service organizations

assigning, about   1

Service Request base table, extending for availability-based assignment   1

Service Request object

configuring for interactive assignment   1

service requests

assigning, about   1

interactive assignment mode, running for   1

Siebel Dedicated Web Client

Assignment Manager, running in interactive mode   1

service requests, running interactive assignment mode in   1

Siebel Server, concurrent components, number of   1

Siebel Web Client

service requests, running interactive assignment mode in   1

skill scores, weighting   1

skill-based assignment attributes, about   1


See also About Assignment Skills

Assignment Manager, assigning a service request example   1

comparison methods   1

creating with expertise codes, example   1

criteria values, creating as skills   1

employee skills, associating with   1

new skill, creating   1

organization skills, associating with   1

position skills, setting up   1

predefined skills, viewing   1

role of   1

skill table, using   1

weighted expertise codes, defining   1

SmartScript, role in interactive assignment   1

.srf file, compiling instructions for   1

SRVRMGR utility

batch assignment mode, additional parameter characteristics   1

batch assignment mode, running from (about and parameters)   1

dynamic assignment mode, using to run   1

interactive assignment mode, using to run   1

system preferences, compatibility comparison   1

Back to top


table compatibility used in Territory Assignment and Assignment Manager   1

TAMode parameter, about   1


availability-based assignment rules, overview   1

availability-based assignment, about   1

described and example   1

team member assignment scores   1

team table, configuring assignment objects to copy additional columns to   1


See also Scenarios for Using Multitiered Assignment with Sales Assignment Rules

criteria, about creating rules that combine criteria   1

location and revenue-based, example   1

multitiered assignment, using with sales assignment rules   1

organization and person-oriented assignment, about   1

realignment, impact of   1

role in opportunity and account distribution   1

sales assignment rules, creating based on territories   1

sales assignment rules, creating that combine criteria   1

territory definition list, modifying   1

territory-based assignment rules, creating   1

views being phased out   1

territory assignment criteria, example of creating   1

territory assignment rules

creating   1

example of creating   1

Territory List, about phasing out   1

trace flags, about using   1

TrigFile parameter, about   1


assignment attributes   1

checking and editing   1

custom triggers, about creating   1

Generate Triggers, running   1

generating, about   1


batch assignment mode, performance tuning in   1

dynamic assignment mode, performance tuning in   1

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Use Expertise property, about setting   1

UseForUpdate parameter

batch assignment command-line interface parameter, about   1

interactive assignment command-line interface parameter, about   1

user properties

assignment criteria attributes (table)   1

Assignment Results BusComp, about showing additional properties   1

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Values list

about and example   1

list column set, creation of   1

version comparisons

command line options used in Territory Assignment and Assignment Manager (table)   1

system preferences, between Territory Assignment and Assignment Manager   1

tables, compatibility of Territory Assignment and Assignment Manager tables   1

visibility, organizations, role of   1

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weighting factors

defining, about and procedure   1

example   1

expertise codes, about applying to   1

wildcard characters

batch assignment mode SQL statements   1

criteria value, using with   1

workflow groups, setting for assignment policies   1

Workflow Monitor Agent

assignment policies, role in   1

role of   1

running   1

workflow groups, role of   1

workflow policy components

assignment attribute, mapping to   1

assignment criteria, mapping to   1

creating   1

Opportunity Workflow Policy Object, deactivated components   1

overview   1

record updating, inadvertent   1

workflow policy objects

assignment objects, adding   1

assignment objects, relation to   1

workload criteria

about   1

defining   1

employees and positions example   1

employees and positions, defining for   1

multilingual list of values (MLOV)   1

organizations, defining for   1

predefined fields (table)   1

predefined rules   1

team-based criteria   1

workload rules

assignment object matching requirement   1

creating   1

creating example of   1

workload score

about   1

formula   1

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Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide