Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide > Running Assignment Manager > Running Assignment Manager in Batch Mode >

Running Batch Assignment Using the Command-Line SRVRMGR Utility

Batch assignment can be run from the command-line interface using the AsgnBatch command and the parameters in Table 38. The command-line interface of the Server Manager is the srvrmgr program. For more information on using the command-line interface, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

Table 38.  Batch Assignment Command-Line Interface Parameters
Parameter Name
Display Name
Default Value


Allow Duplicate Position

Allows duplicate positions.

For more information, see AllowDupPostn.



Assignment Key

Used to specify a particular rule group for a batch assignment task.

For more information, see AsgnKey.

All AM Rule Set


Assignment Mode

Mode of assignment



Assignment Object Name

Name of the assignment object



Batch Size

Number of objects to assign before committing for batch assignment



Event Date

Date of the event that caused this assignment request



Ignore Assignment Rule Cache

Ignore assignment rule cache and read from the database



Log txn only on change

Log transaction only when the assignment has changed



Object Where Clause

WHERE clause of the object for batch assignment

For more information, see ObjWhereClause.




Use FOR UPDATE to lock primary table row


Additional Parameter Characteristics

The following bulleted points provide additional information about some of the parameters shown in Table 38.

  • AllowDupPostn

    When this parameter is set to TRUE (set to FALSE by default), Assignment Manager attempts to insert duplicate positions (positions with the same id) in the team table, given these positions do not violate the user key constraints of the table. The third field of the PositionTeamDenorm (Y, N value) user property specifies which destination columns are part of the user key. Assignment Manager checks whether or not positions with the same Id that pass violate the uniqueness of these key columns. If Assignment Manager detects a violation, the position with the lower score is ignored. Otherwise, Assignment Manager inserts both positions in the team table.

    If Assignment Manager detects a violation, only the first position encountered is inserted and the other is ignored.

  • AsgnKey

    The AsgnKey parameter is the row Id of the assignment rule group that is associated with the rules you want to evaluate. The default value of the parameter is All AM Rule Set, in which case all active rules are evaluated.

  • ObjWhereClause

    Standard SQL WHERE statements are used for the Object WHERE Clause and can include up to 2048 characters when a batch assignment server task is started using the command-line interface. However, when you start a batch assignment server task from the Component Requests screen, you can only specify up to 100 characters. Also, when using wildcards in the object WHERE clause, make sure you use the correct wildcard specific to your database.

    The Object WHERE Clause can be used to restrict which records are retrieved and processed in batch assignment. The following conditions apply:

    • Joins are allowed in the Object WHERE Clause.

      An example of a join is as follows:

    Assignment Object = Account

    Object Where Clause = where pr_postn_id in (select row_id from s_postn where name = 'Sales Rep')

    The Object WHERE Clause assumes the base table is coming from the assignment object specified.

    For example, if you start batch assignment specifying the assignment object as Account and the Object Where Clause is where row_id = '1-232', then batch assignment attempts to assign only the row_id = '1-232' from the S_ORG_EXT table.

    The following is an example of a batch assignment using the command-line interface:

    start task for component AsgnBatch with AsgnObjName= "Account", AsgnMode="MatchAssign", ObjWhereClause="where name like 'B%'"

    This command batch assigns accounts starting with B.

    Optionally, you can use the command-line interface and the Object WHERE Clause to run only a select number of assignment rule groups. The following is an example of this:

    start task for comp asgnbatch with asgnobjname="Account", objwhereclause="where name like 'B%'", asgnkey="12-4DR56"

    In this example, 12-4DR56 is the row Id of an assignment rule group, and only those rules belonging to this group are evaluated when this parameter is passed in the request.

    NOTE:  When using the command-line interface, use double quotation marks for the ObjWhereClause parameter; otherwise, it is treated as a SRVRMGR command option that changes the case.

Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide