Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide > Advanced Assignment Manager Configuration >

Reassigning Accounts to a Different Primary Position

To reassign Account assignment objects to another position, use the following procedure. This procedure provides an example of mapping the PR_POSTN_ID column of the Account's base table (S_ORG_EXT) to a new assignment attribute named Account Primary Position. Configuration in Siebel Tools is required for this process.

NOTE:  The following procedure can be employed anytime you want to use a base table column as an assignment attribute.

To reassign accounts to a different position

  1. Start Siebel Tools (see Using Siebel Tools for more information on proper Siebel Tools configuration procedures).
  2. In the Object Explorer, select the Workflow Column object and create a new record with the following properties:
    • Name: Account Primary Position Id
    • Table: S_ORG_EXT
    • Column: PR_POSTN_ID
  3. Select Workflow Policy Object > Account > Workflow Policy Component > Account record; drill down to the Workflow Policy Component Column and add a new record called Account Primary Position Id.
  4. In the Object Explorer, select Assignment Attribute and create a new record called Account Primary Position; drill down to Assignment Attribute Column and add a new record with the following properties:
    • Name: Account: Account Primary Position Id
    • Assignment Object: Account
    • Workflow Policy Object: Account
    • Workflow Component: Account
    • Workflow Policy Component Column: Account Primary Position Id
    • Sequence: 1
  5. In the Object Explorer, select Assignment Criteria and create a new record called Account Primary Position; drill down to the Assignment Criteria Attribute and create a new record called Account Primary Position Id with the following properties:
    • Name: Account Primary Position Id
    • Assignment Attribute: Account Primary Position Id
    • Store Column: 1
    • Display Sequence: 1
    • Display Name: Id
  6. Check in the project to the server, compile changes to the siebel.srf file, and distribute it to your users.
    1. Choose Tools > Compile.
    2. In the Object Compiler dialog box, select the Assignment project.
    3. Select the Siebel client repository file (default is siebel.srf file) located in the Objects subdirectory within the Siebel client root directory.
    4. Click Compile.
  7. In the updated Client, create a new assignment rule based on the assignment object Account; add a new criterion for this rule, and select the Account Primary Position; under the values applet, select the ROW_ID of the position you want to reassign.
  8. Navigate to the Positions view of this new Assignment Rule; select the new position that is to replace the previous position.
  9. Release assignment rules by clicking Release in the Assignment Rules view.
  10. Run a Batch Assignment against a test account that includes the old position; use the following parameters:
    • Object: Account
    • Object WHERE clause: WHERE ROW_ID='<your_value>'
  11. Confirm that the test account is reassigned and then run a Batch Assignment to reassign the other accounts to the new position; use the following parameters:
    • Object: Account
    • Object WHERE clause: WHERE PR_POSTN_ID='<your_value>'

      Thoroughly test this assignment rule before applying it to your production environment. After your Accounts have been reassigned, it is recommended that you expire this rule.

  12. Depending on your situation, run Contact Denormalization to update the contact access list.
  13. To set up Position in the Values applet as a picklist, select the appropriate picklist and applet when configuring the Workflow Column and Assignment Criteria Attribute for the Account Position Id.
Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide