Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide > Running Assignment Manager > Running Assignment Manager in Dynamic Mode >

Running Workflow Monitor Agents

To run dynamic assignment, the Workflow Monitor Agent needs to be running. This server component monitors the S_ESCL_REQ table. Database triggers, when fired because of object changes, create records in the S_ESCL_REQ table. The Workflow Monitor Agent reads these new records and processes requests for Assignment Manager policies. Affected objects are then dynamically assigned. For more information about Workflow Monitor Agent, see Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide.

NOTE:  Dynamic assignment does not log information into S_ESCL_LOG. For more information about log files, see System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications.

To start Workflow Monitor Agent from the command-line interface

  1. Determine the workflow group that you want Workflow Monitor Agent to monitor.
    1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Assignment > Assignment Policies.
    2. In the Policy Group field in the Assignment Policies list, choose the workflow group (the default group is Assignment Group).
  2. Start the srvmgr program.

    For detailed information on this process, see Siebel System Administration Guide. After the program starts, the prompt changes to:

    srvmgr: server_name>

  3. At the prompt, enter the following information to start the Workflow Monitor Agent server component task; use the Group information gathered from Step 1 (Assignment Group used in this example):

    start task for component workmon with GroupName="Assignment Group"

  4. Configure other component parameters, if needed.

    For more information about other configurable parameters, see Table 37.

    NOTE:  Separate the parameters and their values in the command-line statement with commas.

  5. Alternatively, you can configure a Workflow Monitor Agent to start automatically to process assignment requests whenever the Siebel Server starts.

    For detailed information, see Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide.

This command starts a new task running in the background and returns to the Server Manager immediately. For detailed information on starting, stopping, and monitoring server tasks, see Siebel System Administration Guide. For further information about the Workflow Monitor Agent, see Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide.

NOTE:  It is possible to set up multiple Workflow Monitor Agents for dynamic assignment. For more information, see the "Monitoring and Tuning Performance" section of Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide.

Table 37 shows the Workflow Monitor Agent command-line interface parameters.

Table 37.  WorkMon Command-Line Interface Parameters
Parameter Name
Display Name
Default Value


Use Action Agent

Use Action Agent



Action Interval

Do not re-execute actions within specified interval in minutes



Processes the batch policies

Process the batch Policies



Cache size of Policy violations

Number of policy violations to store in cache



Request delete size

Request delete size



Number of seconds to retry

Number of seconds to retry sending a Generic Request message



Group Name

Group Name



Ignore errors

Ignore errors while processing requests



Number of days to keep violation information

Number of days worth of violation information that should be retained



Cache size of last user information

Number of last user information items to cache



Mail Server

Name of email server to send notification of abnormal termination



Mailing Address

Mail address to review notification of abnormal termination



Reload Policy

Reload Policy Interval in seconds



Requests per iteration

Requests per iteration



Sleep Time

Time to sleep between iterations (in seconds). This is the frequency of time the Workmon Agent polls the escalation request table and assigns rows.


Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide