Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide > Running Assignment Manager > Considerations Before Running Assignment Manager >

About Excluding Expired (Terminated) Person Candidates from Assignment

You can choose to ignore certain employees for rule evaluation. For example, you might want to exclude inactive employees or employees who are on a leave of absence from assignment consideration. You exclude employees using the Active Employee Where Clause component-level server parameter (or use ActiveEmpLOVCode from the Server Manager command line) with a SQL WHERE clause that is based on any column (or columns) on the S_EMP_PER employee table. For example, you could use the EMP_STAT_CD column with the following value to indicate that you only want active employees considered for evaluation and assignment:

AND emp.EMP_STAT_CD='Active'

The employees are ignored even if they are explicitly added to an assignment rule as candidates.

Similarly, you can exclude (ignore) inactive positions using the Active Position Where Clause component-level server parameter (or use ActivePosWhereClause from the Server Manager command line).

NOTE:  If you make changes to either of these parameters, you must release rules for the them to take effect.

CAUTION:  When specifying the parameters, you must use the emp SQL alias for the S_EMP_PER employee table and the pos alias for the S_POSTN position table. This is to differentiate from other columns by the same name in other tables that Assignment Manager might use in the same SQL. Otherwise, a SQL error (ambiguous reference to a column) may occur.

Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide