Siebel eCollaboration Administration Guide > Siebel eCollaboration Architecture > The Agent's Experience of eCollaboration >

Present and Attend Modes in Siebel eCollaboration

At the agent's discretion, either participant can present desktop imagery while the other participant observes. The presenter can display desktop applications or any other imagery present on the desktop.

When an agent presents, the agent controls what is seen by sizing and moving a capture frame. When the caller presents, the caller's entire desktop is displayed.

CAUTION:  If the agent closes the eCollaboration cobrowser, the Web collaboration session ends. Instead, the agent should minimize the cobrowser if it is not intended as part of the presentation.

In either Present or Attend mode, the agent can turn on the mouse pointer by selecting the mouse pointer button. The button changes color to represent that the pointer is turned on, and the agent and the caller see the location of the mouse. In Present mode, the mouse does not track while the capture frame is paused or when the mouse cursor is not within the capture frame.

To use Present and Attend modes

  1. The agent minimizes or closes all windows on the desktop that are not intended for caller viewing.
  2. The agent clicks the present button (clapboard icon) in the eCollaboration toolbar.

    A red capture frame appears, indicating that data is not being presented. The agent can resize the capture frame to contain the information that the agent wants to display to the caller.

  3. The agent clicks the play button on the capture frame to toggle from the paused state to an active state.

    The play button changes to a pause button. The capture frame turns green or, depending on network traffic, yellow first, and then green. Green indicates that all the information in the capture frame has been sent to the caller. Yellow indicates that transmission of some material is not complete. The agent does not see the caller's desktop.

    NOTE:  The agent can pause the capture frame at any time by clicking the pause button.

  4. The agent moves or resizes the capture frame as appropriate.
  5. If the agent allows the caller to present, then the agent must take the following actions:
    1. The agent must make sure that the caller has the Present mode software by verifying verbally with the caller or by clicking the download button (dotted down arrow to CPU icon) in the eCollaboration toolbar to download the software to the caller.

      If the agent clicks the download button and the caller does not have the Present mode browser plug-in, a dialog box is displayed to the caller offering to download the plug-in.

    2. The agent clicks the attend button (monitor icon).

      An attending window opens on the agent's desktop. A dialog box warns the caller that his or her entire desktop will be visible to the agent, with an option to Cancel. If the caller clicks Cancel, the agent receives a message stating that the caller is declining to present the desktop, and the attending window closes.

      The agent should maximize the cobrowser so that the caller's desktop imagery can be seen.

  6. To reclaim Present mode from the caller, the agent clicks the attend button to stop Attend mode, and then clicks the present button. While in Present or Attend mode, the other button (attend or present) is inactive.
  7. To exit Present or Attend mode without ending the session, the agent clicks whichever button is active, present or attend, so that both are inactive. Alternatively, the agent can close the Present/Attend mode cobrowser window.

    Follow-me browsing resumes.

Changing the Mouse Pointer Icon

The mouse pointer icon used optionally in Present mode is the present.bmp file in the /Program files/eCollaboration client install directory/icons directory on the client machine. Typically, the client install directory name is eCollaboration.

To display a different mouse pointer, modify the current present.bmp graphic or create a new present.bmp, and then replace the file in the \icons directory.

Siebel eCollaboration Administration Guide